
The Tale of the ‘Monologues Of A Twenty Something...'

I do a lot of daydreaming. I stare at the computer screen blankly. Position my hands as if I were about to type or hold the mouse in one hand and the other positioned on the keypads ready to press Alt+Tab in case my boss goes over my cubicle. Major pretending to be busy (lol)!

Then sometimes thoughts just run through my head and I get this yearning to type in my feelings. Looking for the right words, sometimes highfaluting, I press down Shift+F7 so it will look or sound nice and also I can add words to my vocabulary.

I play these monologues inside my head (sometimes debating with myself) of what was, what is and what I hope would be, based on my experiences and of what I have seen, heard or read. I try my best to translate them into words, and then read them silently to my satisfaction.

I share it to the world because I have a story to tell. And my story I hope will somehow inspire, affect, and bring joy to my readers or to those who have come across it.

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