
Living by Faith and Reason

The earth is said to be around 4.5 billion years old. Imagine that! So much had happened and yet there is still so much to be seen…so much to be heard…so much to be read…so much to be said...so much to be learned...so much to be understood...so much to live by...et cetera, et cetera.

Thinking about it now, given a day…how can we fit everything in just 24hours? Check that. The right question should be...”how do we want to experience life in just 24hours?” What are those things we value the most that is worth our time?

It’s a difficult question because most of us take a lifetime to realize what we really want...to realize what is worth our time...what is of value to us...while others don’t get their chance at all.

Once we’re in that moment, there’s no more time for planning how to live...you just do. You live spontaneously based on who you are, what you know about yourself and your surroundings. And every second is a decision of faith and reason. Decide...then as if everything will conspire for or against that decision because this is how the balance of nature works.

And so I live by faith...walk by faith. I still decide my own fate...it is my choice. Then it happens. Some things do and some things don’t. The world takes its natural course...and equilibrium takes place so everything is in its place. And this happens over time.

But this is not to be taken as ‘the end’...for we can still do something about it...to improve and make better. For in this world, all of us will get to ‘the end’ at some point. So what is the point? Simply, the end does not justify the means. The value here is our experience and how we enrich our soulful spirits...for the afterlife! We don’t look at it as “what is the point of living by choice if God has already planned our lives for us?” and the like. The world is the end for our earthly lives...the end of our bodies but not our souls.


Awareness & Responsibility

Recently I learned that we should make ourselves aware and responsible and not allow ourselves to be victimized by our ignorance and negligence. Be open to feedback coz this is how others see us that we don’t...our blind spots - that we cannot see and unaware of. By knowing our blind spots we get to discover more of who we are...our potentials. We work on it and make it grow. So take charge. We already know most of the answers to our questions. It is up to us to discover them. We just have to be aware then take responsibility.

I know this because I took responsibility in knowing and making myself aware of my options and what I can do. The decision is ours.


Love and Relationships

There is no perfect love because there is no perfect you and me. But we are fortunate because despite of our flaws and differences we can make the relationship work. Love is not just a good feeling. It is not dictated by our emotions...it should not because it can cloud our minds and overshadow us. But if you are consumed by love don’t let your emotions get the best of you.

Love is like a tree that you plant. You take care of it; give it light and water so it’ll grow mighty strong and beautiful and soon you will see the fruits of your labor of love.

Love is felt and relationships are built. So you can love but not be in a relationship. But if you are in a relationship, stay because you love your partner. Being in a relationship is a conscious decision and effort from both parties to make it work and it is a choice to make.

And though there is no perfect you and me, together we might just be the perfect match and we’ll strive for that ideal perfect relationship for our love.


What Is It?

What is it that keeps us going? What is it that keeps the world go round? What is it that keeps man curious, wanting to explore and discover the mysteries of life? What is it that makes his heart beat? What is it that gives him hope and believe? What is it that sparks his mind with ideas? What is it that makes him do the unbelievable? What is it that hurts him? What is it that makes him love? What is it that makes people love him? What is it that makes people hate him? What is it? What is it? What is it? What is it that makes me think of these questions? Hmmm…


Good Morning Sunshine!

Good morning sunshine! Hello world! Beautiful mornings make me bright and shiny. Makes my cup of coffee taste a little more sweet and my realm surround with its aroma. Makes my day productive and stimulating. How I wish for sun-shiny mornings all year-round.

How nice it is to wear my shades whenever you’re around. Driving the horizon where I find you ahead of me, beaming and touching my soft-tanned-face, your warmth kissing my nose and cheeks, glaring at my sunglasses.

Though I can’t stare at you, powerful sun up, you give me light, warmth and hope. As I’ve said, you’re the 1st miracle of the day. But I can gaze at you serene sundown as you bid your rays goodbye, reflection on the waters making a painting-like panorama.

How sweet, how beautiful, how romantic…oh what light and hope you bring to my life. Wishing you forever…good morning sunshine!


Collection of Words

Collection of words, grouped together in paragraphs (below) with each of their subject. Makes sense to me.

Show me the way and I will follow. Teach me your ways and I will listen. With open heart and open mind I will abide faithfully. I want to be your likened. Let me be. I will be. I am.

Coffee for you the hard worker, the thinker, the gossiper, the sleepy head, the addict.

Framed pictures. Still life. Captured movement of a moment. Open interpretation to every eye that sees. Enhanced by the light, the colors and the lens. Unedited. Raw.

laura.moncur.org; image2 www.cancerhelp.org.uk; image3 www.kenscoffee.com; image4 www.boggled.us


Just Bored

Stand up, walk a little, talk a little, make yourself a cup of coffee, stretch a bit, and breathe. Ok good. I’m ready for another boring day at work with no projects, no issues. It’s just me and my laptop staring at one another as I abuse the Internet with surfing and chatting with friends through YM. And oh, can’t I wait ‘til it’s break time to joke around with my officemates as we eat, and until I’m ready to pack up and getaway from here to somewhere more exciting. The outside world! The real world! My kind of place! So thank you Yahoo!, Google, Multiply, Friendster, Blogspot, and you. Yes you! All of you I’ve been recently visiting. And sometimes to the company of Grey’s Anatomy and Smallville! I’m addicted to you! Thank you for keeping me company during my mundane afternoons. So tomorrow, see you again! ;D


Enough is enough.

When do you know if it’s enough? How do you know if it’s enough?

How can you lose a lover and a friend in one person?

People come and go but you choose the people you want to remain in your life. You can’t choose your family but you can choose whom to love.

So you lost a lover (no strings attached it seems) but chose to remain friends. But where do you draw the line? A lot of people were confused and so were you. Though we cannot define or categorize your relationship, it seemed you loved by faith and by chance. By faith because you are good friends and that faithful bond kept you together. But you thought things could still work out because of that bond and you kept going about in circles but ended up in the same spot...the reason for your breakup. By chance because you weren’t sure where to go from that spot. You were afraid. Oh yes you were. There were a lot of uncertainties and you wouldn’t dare risk what life would bring after your story with him. And so you delayed your story’s ending never closing that chapter.

You love him but dream of a perfect him which is not him. You love her but let her slip. It’s bound to end anywhere and anyway you look at it. But you cling on to hope. Hoping that perhaps, this time…over and over, things will be different. There were so many signs. You kept asking for one and He kept on giving them to you. But you refuse to see, to listen, to realize, to accept and to act. It is over. This time, it really is over. Because this time you lost a friend. Have you lost each other’s respect? I hope not. Have you just grown tired? Yes. But maybe this is what you need. Life apart. So you can grow freely.

It’s been a while since you’ve been wandering in the shades of gray. It’s about time you actually did something about it. You’ve always...always known it. And you kept on saying “I know what I want” and “I know what to do”. But I’m not going to count the years that have passed, nor the times you have circled the same path. Because now, I’m at least glad you have found the fields of freedom...away from the shady woods.

And to the other you, this is for you as well.

What happened happened and they happen for a reason. Wish things could have turned out differently...wish things would turn out ok. Nevertheless, wish happiness for you both. You’ll know when it’s enough. You know it. You’ve tried and have fought well but it’s time to let go. Enough.


My Greatest Risk Is My Greatest Love

I don’t quite remember how things have come to pass. The picture is fuzzy thinking about it today. But I’m glad I took that chance. I wasn’t 100% sure then. Now I’m sure more than ever, and probably the surest thing I know. I’ve been feeling this way for quite a while now. And that chance was one of the greatest risks I ever took.

Giving my heart to you was my greatest risk. My greatest risk is my greatest love.

I’d like to believe I’ve prepared myself for this. I did some planning, formed expectations and criteria in my head, had a few selections in my pocket. But after all those provisions I made for myself, I wasn’t ready. Then you came unexpectedly. But this was our 2nd chance. And I wouldn’t allow you to slip once again. I knew He did this for a reason. I knew this was supposed to happen. I knew that was the moment.

I now realized that He had set a better plan for me. Better than what I had planned before you came into my life. He blessed me with so much more…more than expected really. And it still blows me how you continue to surprise me with the littlest things that mean the world to me. Immeasurable, incomparable, priceless, pure love.

I’m just glad that we are able to respond to what He had planned for us. There are a lot of things, temptations and outside forces that could break us. But we’ll get by. You and I, we’ll get by. We will risk it all.