
Sweet Fat Chocolate

What can I do in this box?

Motivate me!

What am I doing here?

Remind me. Give me a good reason.

What excites you?

What keeps a person going?

How does he drag himself to work?

How do you keep yourself together?

Teach me, I beg of you!

Everyday I need my constant reminder.

I think I need to search for my “bouquet of flowers” too.

Or my “stars”! I need a sign!

Divine intervention!

What do you think?

Since I’m a sucker for chocolates,

I will pray to God everyday

to send me my sweet fat chocolate!

Sweet fat chocolate! Sweet fat chocolate!

Are you my sweet fat chocolate?

Is this my sweet fat chocolate?

Lord, please send me my sweet fat chocolate!
I need my motivation, my inspiration, my reason.


Unknown said...

Since you're one of my God-sent "Stars"... allow me to be one of your Sweet Slim Chocolates... haha! hmmm wait a minute... chocolates are fattening dear! oh no! bwahaha! mwah mwah! :P

Anne Bondoc said...

haha! thanks dear! =)