
The Rainbow After the Rain

I have no major issues...no personal dilemma, no family problems, no shaky finances, no stressful work, no deteriorating health, no conflicts with friends or co-workers...no nothing. I have a carefree life! Thank God! I am blessed. But we all are.

So how come people think I live a perfect life? No, I don’t think so. No one is perfect. Nothing is perfect but the Omnipotent One above. I can’t say that my life is problem-free. I encounter it everyday.

Handling it with 10%...ok 20% of crying and loosing yourself out of rage and depression is enough. Shake it off!

Know the problem. Look for opportunities and solutions. Pray hard. Ask for help and guidance. Believe in yourself. Approach it. Handle it. We can do this.

Yes, it’s easier said than done. But that’s just the way it is. Everyone has to pass through it...even He who suffered for us. It’s a matter of time. Just remember the beautiful butterfly that has to struggle in its cocoon in order to fly...to be free!

He is your solace when lost.


The Element of Change

I’m behind the wheel. Out for a joyride. Speeding. The images through the window are a blur. Buckle up. It’s a rollercoaster ride.

I’m putting my feet on the ground, fists clenched, chest out, chin up high, eyes with intensity and my soul on fire.

I’m in-charge here. Follow my lead. Stand up. Stand up high. For we are the driving force...the element of change.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” -- Margaret Mead



Fight the Good Fight

Stop. Just how productive do you think your day is? How are you spending your life today? Think...hmm...a little more...hmmm...

Blank. My day is such a waste. Sitting. Waiting ‘til the clock says it’s time.
I’m a bum at work. How horrible! Shameful. Better to work my ass off with a sweat than in this pretentious place. It’s so unfair and yet I’m aware of my callousness.

The devil is lurking around me. His cunning ways are ready to seize my soul, anytime now, to burn!

Help! Save me from captivity. I am rotting.

My ideas are confined in this hollow box. I long for the emancipation of my spirit. It’s out there...in the wild, in the open seas…where my heart treads. This idealistic mind boasts a lot but lacks feat. But my convictions are genuine. It is yearning with vigor. It is hopeful that the world tomorrow will be the consequence of the good fight, by us...today. “Fight the good fight”, we shall bellow together in unison.

And so I’m stirred not to succumb to apathy. I am in the battlefield waging war against my personal evils. I shall fight the good fight, and I will thrive.