
Love is Pain

Pain. Aren’t you a pleasure? ...pleasure for the wicked. Wicked ego that is so self-centered. Centered on the expectations. Expectations that were not met...damned!

Damn outrage! ...outrage that is out of control. Control your anger! ...anger that is unreasonable. Unreasonable to the person you love. Love that should be forgiving...understand!

Understand that I am not perfect but flawed. Flawed person that I am but who is struggling. Struggling to be the best that I can be for you. You that I love...love that is in pain.

Pain be gentle. Gentle as my heart. Heart-felt apologies please do accept. Accept that I am truly sorry and that I love you. You who I love...because...

...to love you and to be loved by you is the only thing I will ever want.

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