
Living by Faith and Reason

The earth is said to be around 4.5 billion years old. Imagine that! So much had happened and yet there is still so much to be seen…so much to be heard…so much to be read…so much to be said...so much to be learned...so much to be understood...so much to live by...et cetera, et cetera.

Thinking about it now, given a day…how can we fit everything in just 24hours? Check that. The right question should be...”how do we want to experience life in just 24hours?” What are those things we value the most that is worth our time?

It’s a difficult question because most of us take a lifetime to realize what we really want...to realize what is worth our time...what is of value to us...while others don’t get their chance at all.

Once we’re in that moment, there’s no more time for planning how to live...you just do. You live spontaneously based on who you are, what you know about yourself and your surroundings. And every second is a decision of faith and reason. Decide...then as if everything will conspire for or against that decision because this is how the balance of nature works.

And so I live by faith...walk by faith. I still decide my own fate...it is my choice. Then it happens. Some things do and some things don’t. The world takes its natural course...and equilibrium takes place so everything is in its place. And this happens over time.

But this is not to be taken as ‘the end’...for we can still do something about it...to improve and make better. For in this world, all of us will get to ‘the end’ at some point. So what is the point? Simply, the end does not justify the means. The value here is our experience and how we enrich our soulful spirits...for the afterlife! We don’t look at it as “what is the point of living by choice if God has already planned our lives for us?” and the like. The world is the end for our earthly lives...the end of our bodies but not our souls.

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