
Mundane Afternoon

hehe! a ym conversation with a friend during one of those mundane afternoons at work...

Anne's Status - mundane afternoon
Danies' Status - Busy

Anne: mundane afternoons make me sick. it reminds me of how boring my gradeschool life was. i was totally a different person then. i ddn't know who i was. i had low self-esteem and was self conscious. somehow it hadn't totally veered away from me. because at this point, i'm at my low. it's not helping me recuperate from my viral infectious colds and sore throat.
Danie: mundane?
Danie: thesaurus pls?
Anne: mundane afternoons remind me how i am not fulfilled with my current career state...if i even have one.
Anne: mundane = boring, common, routinary, etc. etc.
Anne: monotonous
Anne: you know i'm not one of those right? hehehe sorry. wanted to write but wanted it sort of interactive. hehehe
Anne: go ahead with ur busy status and don't mind a soul that is searching for her true meaning.
Danie: u wont be bored in how many days
Danie: hehe
Anne: hehe temporal happiness of boracay. it's like drugs. traveling and partying are mere drugs that you'll never forget with pictures and memories to immortalize those moments. haaaay! bora!
Anne: but once reality sets in. i'm back to mundane afternoons. times when i'm wasting precious moments of searching...
Danie: wow deep... in danie's words....
Danie: "Fun awaits in Bora"!
Anne: fun does not compare to the immortal feeling of happiness and contentment. it's a state of mind. and i want that. idealistic as it sounds. i wish fun were forever. like happiness. and not just mere snippets of a feeling.
Anne: what say you?
Anne: i guess i'm on my own. goodbye. goodbye to sweet conversations.
Anne: (emoticon - sigh)
Danie: what the... bloody hell!
(emoticon - laughing)
Anne: (emoticon - day dreaming) daydreaming about boracay trying to end this nostalgic feeling
Anne: i hate mundane afternoons. bow.
Danie: finally!
Danie: hahaha

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