I attempted to create a wedding website using Wedding Announcer last September, unfortunately I couldn't do much with it - adding photos and music were not working. I found out today from one of their forums that the admin is sick and is out indefinitely, and no one else can administer. So instead of creating another wedding website, I thought I would just post here what I have created so far. It's only two pages anyway - the 'Welcome' and 'About Us' pages. Hehe.
This is how the Welcome page looks like -

Since my 'About Us' is quite long, I'll just post the whole composition -
Our Story
It all started in High School...
We were High School classmates in Colegio San Agustin, Makati. It was 'love at first sight' for Moch during our freshman year (hihihi! I was 'loveable' daw e). But nothing transpired. We weren't even friends then. In Sophomore year we became seatmates. I thought he was a snob or just too shy because he wouldn't speak or even look my way. Literally isang tanong, isang sagot lang siya. The first time I remember him speak to me was during our Report Card distribution that summer of '99. That was because we ran into each other in the hallway and I said 'Hi!' to him. That night, he called me up at home, said 'I love you', and started courting me from then on. He wasted no time! :D (Well that's because this was his 2nd life after his 50-50 Dengue scare). But I thought that was weird. Who says 'I love you' on their first conversation? He told me to give him a chance, so I did.
The courtship wasn't smooth-sailing...
Allow me to cut this story short and fast forward (both of us don't want to look back anymore at our Junior year in HS, especially Prom! In short, I turned him down and he was heart-broken. tsk, tsk, tsk). The only time we really got to know each other was during our graduation year. (Oh diba, he still befriended me after I turned him down) Hindi naman sa makapal ang mukha ko pero he was really crazy about me like a blind follower. Those times I really wondred why (Hehe!). We became close friends, and I slowly got to know the real him, and it carried-on until Freshman year in the University of Asia and the Pacific. However, we were not on the same page with regards to our level of 'Friendship'. I knew I wasn't ready then for a serious relationship. All I could offer was friendship. After almost 3 years of patiently courting me on and off, friendship just wasn't enough for him (Grabe sama ko noh!?) He decided to let go and move on, so ofcourse I let him. And so we lived to do our own thing separately without communication. Awww! :(
"You don't know what you got 'til it's gone"...
Ours was a classic case...well, at least for me. It was hard for me then to accept that I fell for this guy. I knew I held my feelings back. I wasn't being honest to myself, but I believe I was just being fair because I was afraid and knew I was confused. Fortunately, as fate would have its way, God had to send little Mr. Cupid in the persona of Ronald Chan to bridge our communication gap (yes! special mention. haha!). He urged Moch to text me and find out how I was. I politely replied, and so the friendship revived through text after more than a year of communication lull. (Thank God for text messaging! hehe). That's when I realized that I super missed this guy. It dawned to me that I almost let this one get away! In short, God gave me a chance to correct my mistake. He gave 'Us' another chance.
"Love is sweeter the 2nd time around..."
Valentine's was just around the corner after we started communicating again. Ayan na! He bravely took another chance with me. After maturing and finally coming to terms with my feelings, I accepted a romantic doube-date Valentine's dinner in Tagayatay. Oh diba, ang sarap magpakatotoo! And so we started going out again.
March 22, 2003...
This was the day my heart said 'Yes' to Moch even before he asked me to be his girl. :)
I couldn't hide the fact that God wanted us to be together. I knew we had his blessing. I believe Moch is my soulmate. He is God-given. Who am I to decline? I already did once, twice. Ang sarap mauntog! Hahaha! :D
There were a lot of humps along the way especially in our 1st year, but I'm glad we've surpassed them. So far, from our 6 years of being together, I could say that we've been through a lot. Nandyan na ang selos, petty fights, impatience, accidents, vices, sickness, different view points and interests that you argue about...you name it. But ofcourse those were all overshadowed by the love, care, thoughtfulness, patience, understanding, compromise, time, support, dreams and prayers we've showered into our relationship. And I believe we've extended that to our respective families and friends. At this point, we're still continuing to grow and learn from each other. It has been a wonderful journey and we're truly blessed.
The planned proposal (that I spoiled!)...
It's not really a surprise anymore that we are going to get married. A lot of our close friends knew it was bound to happen. It was really just a matter of 'When?' He actually asked me if I wanted to marry him July of 2008 (take note, asked, not proposed. hehe) Since Moch's late father, Tito Art, was diagnosed with cancer last year, Moch wanted his father to be present when his eldest son gets married (ofcourse, so do I). They were in Guangzhou then treating Tito Art's cancer when Moch called me through Skype. He told me that his dad might not make it to our wedding next year (we promised each other we would like to get married in 2010 but nothing definite yet), so he asked me if I wanted to get married as soon as possible. I had to decline. It's not me being selfish or anything, but my eldest brother and my now sister-in-law were already preparing for their wedding that December. I just couldn't take that away from them and get ahead of them. Plus, my family and I weren't really prepared. Ofcourse Moch understood, but I told him to ask me again after my brother's wedding in December 30, 2008.
Not long after (this was January 2009), Moch kept telling me he wanted to go on a vacation in Boracay on our 6th anniversary, just the two of us. Suddenly I remembered what I told him last July to 'ask me again'. So I thought, 'Is he planning to propose in Boracay?' but I brushed it aside. I didn't want to expect.
Then the spoiler!
I confirmed my initial hunch. I found out there was a proposal in the making, and it was going to happen soon! I read his text messages to and from his cousin regarding engagement rings. Pano kasi he left his cellphone with me. I don't usually check his messages but an unusual voice inside my head (aka curiosity) told me to read his messages. The messages that caught me were all about diamond rings and diamond cuts, and how he wanted to remodel his mom's heirloom jewelry ring. So I just put the pieces of the puzzle together -- Boracay + 6th anniversary + diamond ring = marriage proposal! :D Hahahaha! The moment I found out I just couldn't hide my excitement! (Moch really can't keep secrets from me!) Without thinking, I eventually told him I already knew about his plans. So he decided to change the Boracay proposal and go for Plan B. (Shucks! Sayang ang Boracay proposal I later realized!). There wasn't really any Plan B. Now he was pressured to think of how to surprise me. His challenge was to pop the question the least day and place I would expect.
The actual proposal...
Without any suspense...on Friday, February 20, 2009, past the hour of 8 in the evening, he proposed in my office, particularly infront of the elevators of 8/f Jollibee Centre, of all places! Hahaha! Oh diba, least place I would expect talaga! He first surprised me with a bouquet of beautiful flowers (I thought he was just making-up for being 2 hours late!!! My hands were already shaking from hunger). He gave me the flowers, then suddenly he knelt on his right knee, took out a box and opened it...Wow! I was awe-stricken. My hunger pangs went away.
Inside the box was a beautiful two-toned .9 carat round-cut diamond ring, size 5. ;)
"Will you marry me?"
Without hesitation (duh!), I said "Yes!".
He took the ring from the box, reached for my left hand and wore it on my ring finger. Perfect fit.
"Ito na pala yun!", I said laughing while teary-eyed. I got him up and just hugged him as tears flowed down my eyes.
It was a feeling I've never felt before. I was ecstatic like I was floating, and I just kept staring at the ring. I felt like I was transported to wonderland and didn't mind that we were in an old, unromantic office building.
I thought to myself, "Wow! I'm engaged. I'm getting married to my one true love, my soulmate. Wow!" It was a walk in the clouds.
It was beautiful. Pure bliss.
*Shared by the Bride. September 2009.
Our Story
It all started in High School...
We were High School classmates in Colegio San Agustin, Makati. It was 'love at first sight' for Moch during our freshman year (hihihi! I was 'loveable' daw e). But nothing transpired. We weren't even friends then. In Sophomore year we became seatmates. I thought he was a snob or just too shy because he wouldn't speak or even look my way. Literally isang tanong, isang sagot lang siya. The first time I remember him speak to me was during our Report Card distribution that summer of '99. That was because we ran into each other in the hallway and I said 'Hi!' to him. That night, he called me up at home, said 'I love you', and started courting me from then on. He wasted no time! :D (Well that's because this was his 2nd life after his 50-50 Dengue scare). But I thought that was weird. Who says 'I love you' on their first conversation? He told me to give him a chance, so I did.
The courtship wasn't smooth-sailing...
Allow me to cut this story short and fast forward (both of us don't want to look back anymore at our Junior year in HS, especially Prom! In short, I turned him down and he was heart-broken. tsk, tsk, tsk). The only time we really got to know each other was during our graduation year. (Oh diba, he still befriended me after I turned him down) Hindi naman sa makapal ang mukha ko pero he was really crazy about me like a blind follower. Those times I really wondred why (Hehe!). We became close friends, and I slowly got to know the real him, and it carried-on until Freshman year in the University of Asia and the Pacific. However, we were not on the same page with regards to our level of 'Friendship'. I knew I wasn't ready then for a serious relationship. All I could offer was friendship. After almost 3 years of patiently courting me on and off, friendship just wasn't enough for him (Grabe sama ko noh!?) He decided to let go and move on, so ofcourse I let him. And so we lived to do our own thing separately without communication. Awww! :(
"You don't know what you got 'til it's gone"...
Ours was a classic case...well, at least for me. It was hard for me then to accept that I fell for this guy. I knew I held my feelings back. I wasn't being honest to myself, but I believe I was just being fair because I was afraid and knew I was confused. Fortunately, as fate would have its way, God had to send little Mr. Cupid in the persona of Ronald Chan to bridge our communication gap (yes! special mention. haha!). He urged Moch to text me and find out how I was. I politely replied, and so the friendship revived through text after more than a year of communication lull. (Thank God for text messaging! hehe). That's when I realized that I super missed this guy. It dawned to me that I almost let this one get away! In short, God gave me a chance to correct my mistake. He gave 'Us' another chance.
"Love is sweeter the 2nd time around..."
Valentine's was just around the corner after we started communicating again. Ayan na! He bravely took another chance with me. After maturing and finally coming to terms with my feelings, I accepted a romantic doube-date Valentine's dinner in Tagayatay. Oh diba, ang sarap magpakatotoo! And so we started going out again.
March 22, 2003...
This was the day my heart said 'Yes' to Moch even before he asked me to be his girl. :)
I couldn't hide the fact that God wanted us to be together. I knew we had his blessing. I believe Moch is my soulmate. He is God-given. Who am I to decline? I already did once, twice. Ang sarap mauntog! Hahaha! :D
There were a lot of humps along the way especially in our 1st year, but I'm glad we've surpassed them. So far, from our 6 years of being together, I could say that we've been through a lot. Nandyan na ang selos, petty fights, impatience, accidents, vices, sickness, different view points and interests that you argue about...you name it. But ofcourse those were all overshadowed by the love, care, thoughtfulness, patience, understanding, compromise, time, support, dreams and prayers we've showered into our relationship. And I believe we've extended that to our respective families and friends. At this point, we're still continuing to grow and learn from each other. It has been a wonderful journey and we're truly blessed.
The planned proposal (that I spoiled!)...
It's not really a surprise anymore that we are going to get married. A lot of our close friends knew it was bound to happen. It was really just a matter of 'When?' He actually asked me if I wanted to marry him July of 2008 (take note, asked, not proposed. hehe) Since Moch's late father, Tito Art, was diagnosed with cancer last year, Moch wanted his father to be present when his eldest son gets married (ofcourse, so do I). They were in Guangzhou then treating Tito Art's cancer when Moch called me through Skype. He told me that his dad might not make it to our wedding next year (we promised each other we would like to get married in 2010 but nothing definite yet), so he asked me if I wanted to get married as soon as possible. I had to decline. It's not me being selfish or anything, but my eldest brother and my now sister-in-law were already preparing for their wedding that December. I just couldn't take that away from them and get ahead of them. Plus, my family and I weren't really prepared. Ofcourse Moch understood, but I told him to ask me again after my brother's wedding in December 30, 2008.
Not long after (this was January 2009), Moch kept telling me he wanted to go on a vacation in Boracay on our 6th anniversary, just the two of us. Suddenly I remembered what I told him last July to 'ask me again'. So I thought, 'Is he planning to propose in Boracay?' but I brushed it aside. I didn't want to expect.
Then the spoiler!
I confirmed my initial hunch. I found out there was a proposal in the making, and it was going to happen soon! I read his text messages to and from his cousin regarding engagement rings. Pano kasi he left his cellphone with me. I don't usually check his messages but an unusual voice inside my head (aka curiosity) told me to read his messages. The messages that caught me were all about diamond rings and diamond cuts, and how he wanted to remodel his mom's heirloom jewelry ring. So I just put the pieces of the puzzle together -- Boracay + 6th anniversary + diamond ring = marriage proposal! :D Hahahaha! The moment I found out I just couldn't hide my excitement! (Moch really can't keep secrets from me!) Without thinking, I eventually told him I already knew about his plans. So he decided to change the Boracay proposal and go for Plan B. (Shucks! Sayang ang Boracay proposal I later realized!). There wasn't really any Plan B. Now he was pressured to think of how to surprise me. His challenge was to pop the question the least day and place I would expect.
The actual proposal...
Without any suspense...on Friday, February 20, 2009, past the hour of 8 in the evening, he proposed in my office, particularly infront of the elevators of 8/f Jollibee Centre, of all places! Hahaha! Oh diba, least place I would expect talaga! He first surprised me with a bouquet of beautiful flowers (I thought he was just making-up for being 2 hours late!!! My hands were already shaking from hunger). He gave me the flowers, then suddenly he knelt on his right knee, took out a box and opened it...Wow! I was awe-stricken. My hunger pangs went away.
Inside the box was a beautiful two-toned .9 carat round-cut diamond ring, size 5. ;)
"Will you marry me?"
Without hesitation (duh!), I said "Yes!".
He took the ring from the box, reached for my left hand and wore it on my ring finger. Perfect fit.
"Ito na pala yun!", I said laughing while teary-eyed. I got him up and just hugged him as tears flowed down my eyes.
It was a feeling I've never felt before. I was ecstatic like I was floating, and I just kept staring at the ring. I felt like I was transported to wonderland and didn't mind that we were in an old, unromantic office building.
I thought to myself, "Wow! I'm engaged. I'm getting married to my one true love, my soulmate. Wow!" It was a walk in the clouds.
It was beautiful. Pure bliss.
*Shared by the Bride. September 2009.
jajaja, take it easy girl
Tell me about it. You never know what you have until one day its gone. Congrats to the two of you.
super sweet:)da proposal part was da sweetest ..fairy tale kinds!
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