Humdrum moments get me thinking…
Should I stay or should I go? The logical thing to do is stay. But the heart says, “Go, escape, be free!”
But then what?
Then my question is left hanging. My idea remains to be just a thought…a foolish one at that.
But the soul is searching. I want more out of life. I want to be fulfilled with my day job. I want it to be meaningful. I want it to make sense. I want it not just to be about money.
But the money factor is most of the time (if not always) tempting.
I know many share this dilemma. But what can we really do about it? Can we sacrifice the money factor in a materialistic 3rd world and still do what we love?
Another question is…do you really know what your passion is or
where it lies?
What is it all about?
Then I remember a line from a prayer…”Stretch me, Lord, I will not limit Your gifts by my perceptions of what I can handle.”
So I sit quietly and pray to the Holy Spirit.
Suddenly, my mind is awakened. I don’t know all the answers to my questions nor know what it is really all about. But I know this…
I know I have an unrevealed purpose in life, and that I must continue to search endlessly…beyond the ends of the earth. I know there is something greater than life here on earth. And yes I believe in life after death.
So all these humdrum moments are just reminders that everyday is a constant struggle…everyday is a journey…everyday is a battle. It is not everyday that the whole universe conspires to break you…because it can also make you. Actually, it is you who decides if the world will work for you or not. The opportunities are out there and it is our choice to take it.
And so I mark this day - 20th of August, year 2008 exactly 2:22 in the afternoon, the battle won against humdrum moments.
*image taken from www.thefreedictionary.com
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