
Enough is enough.

When do you know if it’s enough? How do you know if it’s enough?

How can you lose a lover and a friend in one person?

People come and go but you choose the people you want to remain in your life. You can’t choose your family but you can choose whom to love.

So you lost a lover (no strings attached it seems) but chose to remain friends. But where do you draw the line? A lot of people were confused and so were you. Though we cannot define or categorize your relationship, it seemed you loved by faith and by chance. By faith because you are good friends and that faithful bond kept you together. But you thought things could still work out because of that bond and you kept going about in circles but ended up in the same spot...the reason for your breakup. By chance because you weren’t sure where to go from that spot. You were afraid. Oh yes you were. There were a lot of uncertainties and you wouldn’t dare risk what life would bring after your story with him. And so you delayed your story’s ending never closing that chapter.

You love him but dream of a perfect him which is not him. You love her but let her slip. It’s bound to end anywhere and anyway you look at it. But you cling on to hope. Hoping that perhaps, this time…over and over, things will be different. There were so many signs. You kept asking for one and He kept on giving them to you. But you refuse to see, to listen, to realize, to accept and to act. It is over. This time, it really is over. Because this time you lost a friend. Have you lost each other’s respect? I hope not. Have you just grown tired? Yes. But maybe this is what you need. Life apart. So you can grow freely.

It’s been a while since you’ve been wandering in the shades of gray. It’s about time you actually did something about it. You’ve always...always known it. And you kept on saying “I know what I want” and “I know what to do”. But I’m not going to count the years that have passed, nor the times you have circled the same path. Because now, I’m at least glad you have found the fields of freedom...away from the shady woods.

And to the other you, this is for you as well.

What happened happened and they happen for a reason. Wish things could have turned out differently...wish things would turn out ok. Nevertheless, wish happiness for you both. You’ll know when it’s enough. You know it. You’ve tried and have fought well but it’s time to let go. Enough.

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