
Ignorance & Responsibility

Ignorance is not an excuse.

We are all responsible for our actions. Whatever we did or said, whatever we have and own we should be responsible for.

As an educated person or rather as an able person, we should know better. I should know better. We should not let other people take advantage of our ignorance. When in doubt never hesitate to ask why. It can save you. Don’t rush into things. Think first...always. Don’t let anyone pressure you on time. Don’t allow yourself to be bullied or intimidated by anyone. You have a choice. Think. Ask.

Shame on those people taking advantage of the weak. You should be punished. I will not allow myself to be taken advantage off the second time around. I have learned my lesson. Thank You for teaching me even though I learned it the hard way. It was tough but You were by my side through people dear to me.

Now I’ll be more careful, be more responsible.

I’d like to think that there is good in all of us, that our intentions are clean, that my judgment on others is based on this unless proven otherwise. Yes, there is good in all of us. But out of desperation and unclear thoughts we do things. We damage others and ourselves. But as I said, as an able person, we should know better. I should know better. Whatever damage done to me, I took part in it, and I am partly to be blamed because I have responsibility with whatever I did or said, whatever I have and own.

Thank You for saving me this time…once again.


Anonymous said...

i will always be here for you...

Melissa said...

hi anne, how lalim naman ur blogs... all my blog entries are mostly about food! hahaha! well... hang on dear... im sure things will go your way... it is the quater life crisis talking....

Anne Bondoc said...

Hi Mel =) thanks for stopping by.