I have always looked up to my brothers, going wherever they would go, copying everything they do, trying whatever they wanted & played whatever toys they have. I learned how to be adventurous! We would play ninja, G.I. Joe (mine was G.I. Jane ofcourse), cars, lego, & watch cartoons. That was my world back then…my dolls were as good as displays in my room. But ofcourse I would always wear my Sunday dresses for my mom…hehehe!
So, after school we would always play outside the house, going to the park, hanging out in different houses. Being the bunso, plus the fact that I’m a girl, I was the favorite of practically everyone in my family & some of my titas & titos in the neighborhood! That was my limelight! I was always welcome wherever I go. It’s a nice feeling. I became spoiled…hehe!
My family & our neighbors were “kumpares” & kumares”, some of them were my ninongs & ninangs too. So, there were always parties around the village, which was fun! That was how I got to know Mela, my long time bestfriend since we were three years old!
Mela truly influenced me. She’s the eldest of two, both of them girls. So just imagine, she’s very girly. That’s how I was transformed from being a “tomboy” to a young lady. Those times, I truly wished of having a sister. I even asked my parents to give me a little sister…hahaha!
I was a mix of being boyish & girly when I was a kid. When I’m at home, I play with my brothers, but when I’m out especially at Mela’s place, we would play “bahay-bahayan” & ofcourse Barbie. I enjoyed playing all of them! I enjoyed the best of both worlds!
Eventually, I grew up being with Mela all the time, going wherever she & her family went. I was literally the third child of her family! I would always sleepover since our house was super near! We practically did everything together. My childhood to teenage life was spent with her 24/7! We were like twins…inseperable! We even won an award…we were voted as the “Romy and Michelle” in highschool during our Grad Ball.
The best experience before we parted ways (‘coz now we’re in different schools, me in UA&P, and she in DLSU + they moved to SouthVale…we’re not neighbors anymore) was when we went to the U.S. … only the two of us!!! That was suuupppper! That was our parents’ debut gift for us. We went to L.A., Utah, Las Vegas, Mary Land, Washington D.C., New York & San Diego! What an experience! Sight seeing & shopping ‘til we drop! Whew! We were truly independent & responsible girls! Ofcourse with the help of our relatives in the states!

me & Mela in the streets of New York, summer '02

Mela & me on top of the world! taken in Utah.

the Capitol & me in D.C.

Mela & me feeling in Paris! taken in Las Vegas.
I got used to College life not being around her all the time. I truly miss her. We seldom see each other but we’re always in contact…that’s for sure! My life won’t be the same without her.
Now, there’s another special person who has always been there for me. This person didn’t replace Mela or anything because she will always be here with me, but this new person will surely fill up the empty pieces for the rest of my life. Y’all know who that is!
Wow. What a babe. A female who can surf. That rocks! Why don't you try this site?
sino ako? hahaha..just kidding ;)
ey, why didnt you bring me with you?-m22
i'll always bring you with me from now on hon :)
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