I'm a Good Reader
cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid. Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas thought slpeling was ipmorantt! tahts so cool!!! If you can udernatnsd tihs rdanieg, rpeost it!!!
Holiday Outing
The Barkadings have been planning to go to EK this Christmas break (‘coz we got 10 tickets for free when the Barkadings won 1st runner up in the PLDT Vibe Tribe), so we decided to make it last Monday-Tuesday where we would sleepover in Tagaytay at Danie’s house. It didn’t push thru on Monday so we decided last minute to make it a one-day affair and scrap the overnight. From 10 people who were supposedly coming, we ended up going to Royal Tagaytay with only 4 people left…Cams, Danie, Mos & me. Most people were sick, or needed to stay home. As they say, the show must go on! Hehehe! So we did.
We met up in my place, but before hitting the road, everybody was so hungry (that was 7:30am). Instead of eating breakfast to go, we decided to cook our breakfast. We ended up leaving the house after 2 hours or so.
picture w/ Santa Claus: Mos, me, Danie, Santa & Cams
The sky was clear and the weather seemed to be in a good mood, so it was a good day to go up to Tagaytay. We arrived 11am in Royal Tagaytay. We were all geared up to play Badminton & Basketball even! Haha! It was so much fun! We played for a total of 3 hours!!!
myBaby&me after playing badminton in Royal Tagaytay
After tiring from the games, we cleaned up, then Cams treated us Bibingka & Putobungbong w/ free Pandan tea…yummy! But we were still starved ‘coz that was already 4pm! So we decided to go to Café Lupe.
Danie, me & Cams outside Cafe Lupe in Tagaytay
When we got there it was sooooo ccccooold! It was fogging & the breeze was so cool touching our skins. We were so undecided that we ended up eating in Hen-Lin, w/c was just in front of Café Lupe. We ate for an hour & a half ‘coz the 'kakanins' were so heavy in the stomach. It was like early dinner also for us.
We went down from Tagaytay after, then headed straight to Sta. Rosa, Laguna for EK!
we're in EK!
The crowd was so-so. There were an average number of people so the lines weren’t that long. It was bearable.
RIDES: (sorry, I don’t remember all their names)
feeling like kids again
1) We went inside the Rialto first w/c was so baduy!
2) Roller Coaster …only 1 round …bitin!
3) Up Up & Away …man I hate that ride! I got really dizzy! My head & stomach hurt after!
4) Wheel of Fate. I needed fresh air!
me&myBaby: The Wheel of Fate
Cams & Danie enjoying the ride
5) Space Shuttle …I didn’t go ‘coz I almost barfed!
6) Log Jam …I didn’t have the stomach to go! Cams & Danie were semi-wet.
7) Motorboat …I’m ok at this point …I started enjoying again …yay!
waiting in line
Interval …Fireworks!!!
8) Swing …Cams & Danie were swinging their legs & flapping their arms …felt like they were flying!
The Swing
Edge & Carla arrived…
9) Giant Air Slide. The guys manning the slide were so nice. We had to pay P10/slide, but they allowed us 3 slides!
Cams & me on the giant air slide...yipee!
9) Log Jam …only the 4 of them rode. They did it twice.
Carla, Edward, Cams & Danie splashing away in the Log Jam
10) Rio Grande …the most fun of all!!! We did it 4 times! We were sooo wet. It was Danie’s 1st time (& Mos too), and she was the favorite of the water & falls! Hahaha!
11) Dodgem …this was fun too! Bumping cars w/ anyone! myBaby & I did it twice while the rest went to the Swing & Rio Grande for the last ride!
Closing time.
Ok, so we stayed in EK ‘til closing time! It was so much fun! We were so wet! Good thing we brought extra clothes.
We were so hungry afterwards so we decided to stop by one of the gasoline stations on the way home. We ended up in the newly opened McDonalds, Caltex. I ordered double cheeseburger …it’s sooo good! It was still hot & the cheese was still melting…yummeh!
We headed home, w/c was about 2 in the morning. We exchanged gifts only until that point…hehehe! What a tiring day!
The Barkadings have been planning to go to EK this Christmas break (‘coz we got 10 tickets for free when the Barkadings won 1st runner up in the PLDT Vibe Tribe), so we decided to make it last Monday-Tuesday where we would sleepover in Tagaytay at Danie’s house. It didn’t push thru on Monday so we decided last minute to make it a one-day affair and scrap the overnight. From 10 people who were supposedly coming, we ended up going to Royal Tagaytay with only 4 people left…Cams, Danie, Mos & me. Most people were sick, or needed to stay home. As they say, the show must go on! Hehehe! So we did.
We met up in my place, but before hitting the road, everybody was so hungry (that was 7:30am). Instead of eating breakfast to go, we decided to cook our breakfast. We ended up leaving the house after 2 hours or so.
picture w/ Santa Claus: Mos, me, Danie, Santa & Cams
The sky was clear and the weather seemed to be in a good mood, so it was a good day to go up to Tagaytay. We arrived 11am in Royal Tagaytay. We were all geared up to play Badminton & Basketball even! Haha! It was so much fun! We played for a total of 3 hours!!!
myBaby&me after playing badminton in Royal Tagaytay
After tiring from the games, we cleaned up, then Cams treated us Bibingka & Putobungbong w/ free Pandan tea…yummy! But we were still starved ‘coz that was already 4pm! So we decided to go to Café Lupe.
Danie, me & Cams outside Cafe Lupe in Tagaytay
When we got there it was sooooo ccccooold! It was fogging & the breeze was so cool touching our skins. We were so undecided that we ended up eating in Hen-Lin, w/c was just in front of Café Lupe. We ate for an hour & a half ‘coz the 'kakanins' were so heavy in the stomach. It was like early dinner also for us.
We went down from Tagaytay after, then headed straight to Sta. Rosa, Laguna for EK!
we're in EK!
The crowd was so-so. There were an average number of people so the lines weren’t that long. It was bearable.
RIDES: (sorry, I don’t remember all their names)
feeling like kids again
1) We went inside the Rialto first w/c was so baduy!
2) Roller Coaster …only 1 round …bitin!
3) Up Up & Away …man I hate that ride! I got really dizzy! My head & stomach hurt after!
4) Wheel of Fate. I needed fresh air!
me&myBaby: The Wheel of Fate
Cams & Danie enjoying the ride
5) Space Shuttle …I didn’t go ‘coz I almost barfed!
6) Log Jam …I didn’t have the stomach to go! Cams & Danie were semi-wet.
7) Motorboat …I’m ok at this point …I started enjoying again …yay!
waiting in line
Interval …Fireworks!!!
8) Swing …Cams & Danie were swinging their legs & flapping their arms …felt like they were flying!
The Swing
Edge & Carla arrived…
9) Giant Air Slide. The guys manning the slide were so nice. We had to pay P10/slide, but they allowed us 3 slides!
Cams & me on the giant air slide...yipee!
9) Log Jam …only the 4 of them rode. They did it twice.
Carla, Edward, Cams & Danie splashing away in the Log Jam
10) Rio Grande …the most fun of all!!! We did it 4 times! We were sooo wet. It was Danie’s 1st time (& Mos too), and she was the favorite of the water & falls! Hahaha!
11) Dodgem …this was fun too! Bumping cars w/ anyone! myBaby & I did it twice while the rest went to the Swing & Rio Grande for the last ride!
Closing time.
Ok, so we stayed in EK ‘til closing time! It was so much fun! We were so wet! Good thing we brought extra clothes.
We were so hungry afterwards so we decided to stop by one of the gasoline stations on the way home. We ended up in the newly opened McDonalds, Caltex. I ordered double cheeseburger …it’s sooo good! It was still hot & the cheese was still melting…yummeh!
We headed home, w/c was about 2 in the morning. We exchanged gifts only until that point…hehehe! What a tiring day!
Dencio’s to Yaýo
It was the birthday of my very good friend, Tin, last Dec.16 (the bunso of the kada). She treated the Barkadings in Dencio’s (along Service Rd.) last Saturday. And I saw an old chum I’ve missed for sooo long! Keng was actually there!!!

Tin & me @ Dencio's, Posadas
She looks really good now. She’s her same old wacky self, who has matured I’m proud to say. She drives at last…in her new Altis car…very good!

me & Keng
Keng & I excused us from our friends & left to bring her tita in her mom’s shop. We headed to her house after…I miss her house! It brings back so much memories. Mela, Mike & I used to go home to her place back in 3rd year highschool just to eat! Our favorite was their tapa w/ Banana ketchup! Hahaha! Her house was still the same…of course. It was great seeing it again just like old times.
Then we went to a party afterwards where we met up w/ the kada again…
Yaýo…I don’t know exactly what it means, but it’s a party my barkada & me attended last Saturday night in Big Fella, Better Living. One of the organizers is our friend, our batchmate in CSA, who persistently marketed the event in Friendster & YM…hehehe! He’s a good fella’! He said it’s going to be like the CSA batch ’01 reunion (only after 4 years!!! hehe)/Christmas party! It was a success I would have to say ‘coz the place was packed with people, mostly from CSA. It’s good to see old friends & classmates.
So we went up & checked the place out. Not much was happening yet so the girls decided to have a ride in Keng’s new car & rate her driving skills ‘coz she’s still new to it (but I’m personally impressed w/ her driving except when it comes to parking…hehehe). We decided to go to BF (my village). We were already in Sucat Rd., when the guys called & said they were in Petron, Better Living to have a few rounds of cheap costly beer. So we ended up making a U-turn before even going to BF to hang w/ them instead.
We went back to the Yaýo, which had a better mood this time & people started pouring in. We got our cocktail drinks (complementary w/ the ticket), which was really good (it was a mix of one of my batchmates who took up HRIM in CSB, w/c he wouldn’t reveal what was in it). We greeted & had small talks w/ some of our batchmates whom we bumped into. Everybody was looking great of course! We hit the dance floor & everybody seemed to enjoy the Yaýo!
It was time for Danie, Tof & Pat to leave so we accompanied them downstairs. Then Mela, Cams & me had our serious talk. Things started getting dramatic after that. I wouldn’t say here…hehehe, but we have our own personal dramas in life. I just wish for things to be ok for Mela & Cams…whatever happens. Good luck girls!
Then it was time for all of us to go…me & Mela rode in Mike’s Sportrac, w/c we had a ‘lil stopover for them to cool down(!?) When it was a ‘lil ok, he brought us home. I got the car & we headed straight to the church for the 4:30am simbang gabi. We were so drowsy, just trying to stay awake during the sermon. When it was all over, we freshened up at home & still had time to make kwento in my bed…we ended up sleeping just before 7am! I was fast asleep!
It was the birthday of my very good friend, Tin, last Dec.16 (the bunso of the kada). She treated the Barkadings in Dencio’s (along Service Rd.) last Saturday. And I saw an old chum I’ve missed for sooo long! Keng was actually there!!!

Tin & me @ Dencio's, Posadas
She looks really good now. She’s her same old wacky self, who has matured I’m proud to say. She drives at last…in her new Altis car…very good!

me & Keng
Keng & I excused us from our friends & left to bring her tita in her mom’s shop. We headed to her house after…I miss her house! It brings back so much memories. Mela, Mike & I used to go home to her place back in 3rd year highschool just to eat! Our favorite was their tapa w/ Banana ketchup! Hahaha! Her house was still the same…of course. It was great seeing it again just like old times.
Then we went to a party afterwards where we met up w/ the kada again…
Yaýo…I don’t know exactly what it means, but it’s a party my barkada & me attended last Saturday night in Big Fella, Better Living. One of the organizers is our friend, our batchmate in CSA, who persistently marketed the event in Friendster & YM…hehehe! He’s a good fella’! He said it’s going to be like the CSA batch ’01 reunion (only after 4 years!!! hehe)/Christmas party! It was a success I would have to say ‘coz the place was packed with people, mostly from CSA. It’s good to see old friends & classmates.
So we went up & checked the place out. Not much was happening yet so the girls decided to have a ride in Keng’s new car & rate her driving skills ‘coz she’s still new to it (but I’m personally impressed w/ her driving except when it comes to parking…hehehe). We decided to go to BF (my village). We were already in Sucat Rd., when the guys called & said they were in Petron, Better Living to have a few rounds of cheap costly beer. So we ended up making a U-turn before even going to BF to hang w/ them instead.
We went back to the Yaýo, which had a better mood this time & people started pouring in. We got our cocktail drinks (complementary w/ the ticket), which was really good (it was a mix of one of my batchmates who took up HRIM in CSB, w/c he wouldn’t reveal what was in it). We greeted & had small talks w/ some of our batchmates whom we bumped into. Everybody was looking great of course! We hit the dance floor & everybody seemed to enjoy the Yaýo!
It was time for Danie, Tof & Pat to leave so we accompanied them downstairs. Then Mela, Cams & me had our serious talk. Things started getting dramatic after that. I wouldn’t say here…hehehe, but we have our own personal dramas in life. I just wish for things to be ok for Mela & Cams…whatever happens. Good luck girls!
Then it was time for all of us to go…me & Mela rode in Mike’s Sportrac, w/c we had a ‘lil stopover for them to cool down(!?) When it was a ‘lil ok, he brought us home. I got the car & we headed straight to the church for the 4:30am simbang gabi. We were so drowsy, just trying to stay awake during the sermon. When it was all over, we freshened up at home & still had time to make kwento in my bed…we ended up sleeping just before 7am! I was fast asleep!
Dreams of Travelling
I just looove traveling…anywhere, with anyone of my friends & ofcourse family!
I want to see the beauty of the Philippines! I want to get out of Metro Manila…gosh! Definitely, I wanna travel the world! That’s my dream.

balsa on the water. taken summer '04 in Matabungkay, Batangas
I wanna retire & live by the beach…I love the beach! Then maybe just have a condo when I’m in Manila.

myBaby&me. beach getaway! cottage by the beach in Puerto Azul.
Ofcourse, I wanna do all those things with myBaby!
I want to see the beauty of the Philippines! I want to get out of Metro Manila…gosh! Definitely, I wanna travel the world! That’s my dream.

balsa on the water. taken summer '04 in Matabungkay, Batangas
I wanna retire & live by the beach…I love the beach! Then maybe just have a condo when I’m in Manila.

myBaby&me. beach getaway! cottage by the beach in Puerto Azul.
Ofcourse, I wanna do all those things with myBaby!
Since I was little, my brothers and I have been playing hide ‘n seek, patintero, etc. with our “kababatas”. It was also then I learned how to ride the bike & play basketball…I was one of the boys! That explains why I’m so active & engaged into sports.
I have always looked up to my brothers, going wherever they would go, copying everything they do, trying whatever they wanted & played whatever toys they have. I learned how to be adventurous! We would play ninja, G.I. Joe (mine was G.I. Jane ofcourse), cars, lego, & watch cartoons. That was my world back then…my dolls were as good as displays in my room. But ofcourse I would always wear my Sunday dresses for my mom…hehehe!
So, after school we would always play outside the house, going to the park, hanging out in different houses. Being the bunso, plus the fact that I’m a girl, I was the favorite of practically everyone in my family & some of my titas & titos in the neighborhood! That was my limelight! I was always welcome wherever I go. It’s a nice feeling. I became spoiled…hehe!
My family & our neighbors were “kumpares” & kumares”, some of them were my ninongs & ninangs too. So, there were always parties around the village, which was fun! That was how I got to know Mela, my long time bestfriend since we were three years old!
Mela truly influenced me. She’s the eldest of two, both of them girls. So just imagine, she’s very girly. That’s how I was transformed from being a “tomboy” to a young lady. Those times, I truly wished of having a sister. I even asked my parents to give me a little sister…hahaha!
I was a mix of being boyish & girly when I was a kid. When I’m at home, I play with my brothers, but when I’m out especially at Mela’s place, we would play “bahay-bahayan” & ofcourse Barbie. I enjoyed playing all of them! I enjoyed the best of both worlds!
Eventually, I grew up being with Mela all the time, going wherever she & her family went. I was literally the third child of her family! I would always sleepover since our house was super near! We practically did everything together. My childhood to teenage life was spent with her 24/7! We were like twins…inseperable! We even won an award…we were voted as the “Romy and Michelle” in highschool during our Grad Ball.
The best experience before we parted ways (‘coz now we’re in different schools, me in UA&P, and she in DLSU + they moved to SouthVale…we’re not neighbors anymore) was when we went to the U.S. … only the two of us!!! That was suuupppper! That was our parents’ debut gift for us. We went to L.A., Utah, Las Vegas, Mary Land, Washington D.C., New York & San Diego! What an experience! Sight seeing & shopping ‘til we drop! Whew! We were truly independent & responsible girls! Ofcourse with the help of our relatives in the states!

me & Mela in the streets of New York, summer '02

Mela & me on top of the world! taken in Utah.

the Capitol & me in D.C.

Mela & me feeling in Paris! taken in Las Vegas.
I got used to College life not being around her all the time. I truly miss her. We seldom see each other but we’re always in contact…that’s for sure! My life won’t be the same without her.
Now, there’s another special person who has always been there for me. This person didn’t replace Mela or anything because she will always be here with me, but this new person will surely fill up the empty pieces for the rest of my life. Y’all know who that is!
I have always looked up to my brothers, going wherever they would go, copying everything they do, trying whatever they wanted & played whatever toys they have. I learned how to be adventurous! We would play ninja, G.I. Joe (mine was G.I. Jane ofcourse), cars, lego, & watch cartoons. That was my world back then…my dolls were as good as displays in my room. But ofcourse I would always wear my Sunday dresses for my mom…hehehe!
So, after school we would always play outside the house, going to the park, hanging out in different houses. Being the bunso, plus the fact that I’m a girl, I was the favorite of practically everyone in my family & some of my titas & titos in the neighborhood! That was my limelight! I was always welcome wherever I go. It’s a nice feeling. I became spoiled…hehe!
My family & our neighbors were “kumpares” & kumares”, some of them were my ninongs & ninangs too. So, there were always parties around the village, which was fun! That was how I got to know Mela, my long time bestfriend since we were three years old!
Mela truly influenced me. She’s the eldest of two, both of them girls. So just imagine, she’s very girly. That’s how I was transformed from being a “tomboy” to a young lady. Those times, I truly wished of having a sister. I even asked my parents to give me a little sister…hahaha!
I was a mix of being boyish & girly when I was a kid. When I’m at home, I play with my brothers, but when I’m out especially at Mela’s place, we would play “bahay-bahayan” & ofcourse Barbie. I enjoyed playing all of them! I enjoyed the best of both worlds!
Eventually, I grew up being with Mela all the time, going wherever she & her family went. I was literally the third child of her family! I would always sleepover since our house was super near! We practically did everything together. My childhood to teenage life was spent with her 24/7! We were like twins…inseperable! We even won an award…we were voted as the “Romy and Michelle” in highschool during our Grad Ball.
The best experience before we parted ways (‘coz now we’re in different schools, me in UA&P, and she in DLSU + they moved to SouthVale…we’re not neighbors anymore) was when we went to the U.S. … only the two of us!!! That was suuupppper! That was our parents’ debut gift for us. We went to L.A., Utah, Las Vegas, Mary Land, Washington D.C., New York & San Diego! What an experience! Sight seeing & shopping ‘til we drop! Whew! We were truly independent & responsible girls! Ofcourse with the help of our relatives in the states!

me & Mela in the streets of New York, summer '02

Mela & me on top of the world! taken in Utah.

the Capitol & me in D.C.

Mela & me feeling in Paris! taken in Las Vegas.
I got used to College life not being around her all the time. I truly miss her. We seldom see each other but we’re always in contact…that’s for sure! My life won’t be the same without her.
Now, there’s another special person who has always been there for me. This person didn’t replace Mela or anything because she will always be here with me, but this new person will surely fill up the empty pieces for the rest of my life. Y’all know who that is!
Tagging Along
I was supposed to go to my block’s Christmas Party in Gilmore, but they said it’s not going to push thru, so I thought we weren’t goin’ to have one. They just changed the venue lang pala. So, I decided to tag along with myBaby instead. He was going to help his parents check out the sites of their catering services in East Ortigas.
But before we did, we went to Mizuno (eating Lapid’s chicharon on the way..hehe) to get his all white Bombonera Futsal shoes!
So we all met up in Bistro109 in Pateros then headed to East Ortigas Mansions, where Bistro is in-charge of the kitchen. Next, we visited Mayfield Park where it is currently being developed…almost done. It has beautiful Asian style living condominiums…more on Japanese interiors by DMCI.
welcome to Mayfield Park
me&myBaby @ Mayfield Park
swany by the pond
zen flower by the window
the tree of life
I was supposed to go to my block’s Christmas Party in Gilmore, but they said it’s not going to push thru, so I thought we weren’t goin’ to have one. They just changed the venue lang pala. So, I decided to tag along with myBaby instead. He was going to help his parents check out the sites of their catering services in East Ortigas.
But before we did, we went to Mizuno (eating Lapid’s chicharon on the way..hehe) to get his all white Bombonera Futsal shoes!
So we all met up in Bistro109 in Pateros then headed to East Ortigas Mansions, where Bistro is in-charge of the kitchen. Next, we visited Mayfield Park where it is currently being developed…almost done. It has beautiful Asian style living condominiums…more on Japanese interiors by DMCI.
welcome to Mayfield Park
me&myBaby @ Mayfield Park
swany by the pond
zen flower by the window
the tree of life
Year Book Photo Shoot
Finally, the excitement & anxiousness is over!
Earlier, i had my yearbook pictures taken in school. it was so convenient for all of us, coz the make-up artists did well with our hair & make-up, & there were ladies helping us change costumes :) the photographer also lit our mood to let out our picture perfect smiles :) they were all supportive all in all.
Pictures taken:
1. w/ toga
2. formal
3. business attire
4. creative shot...cool! :)
Kinney brought her Pitbull, Bodi along...cool! :)
All of us were so cute in our creative poses! can't wait to get my yearbook!
I also had my Futsal team picture taking.
Earlier, i had my yearbook pictures taken in school. it was so convenient for all of us, coz the make-up artists did well with our hair & make-up, & there were ladies helping us change costumes :) the photographer also lit our mood to let out our picture perfect smiles :) they were all supportive all in all.
Pictures taken:
1. w/ toga
2. formal
3. business attire
4. creative shot...cool! :)
Kinney brought her Pitbull, Bodi along...cool! :)
All of us were so cute in our creative poses! can't wait to get my yearbook!
I also had my Futsal team picture taking.
Dog show by the bay
It was my first time to attend a dog show live, & it was my first time to walk by the bay along Roxas Blvd. it's totally different now, but still so many people, esp. couples hangin' out.
Some of the Barkadings met up there. it was both to see Kinney again after so long(except for me ofcourse :p) & Cams birthday get-together (her bday was on the 12th...she's technically the "bunso" of the kada but really the "mommy" of the kada at heart...hehehe!)
So both Collins & Blash won in their respective categories, which was great! todo support to them & to the SBK!!! :) so congratulations!!!
It was my first time to attend a dog show live, & it was my first time to walk by the bay along Roxas Blvd. it's totally different now, but still so many people, esp. couples hangin' out.
Some of the Barkadings met up there. it was both to see Kinney again after so long(except for me ofcourse :p) & Cams birthday get-together (her bday was on the 12th...she's technically the "bunso" of the kada but really the "mommy" of the kada at heart...hehehe!)
So both Collins & Blash won in their respective categories, which was great! todo support to them & to the SBK!!! :) so congratulations!!!
Catering in UPD
I accompanied myBaby to UPD, School of Architecture grand reunion using their new Starex! :) i enjoyed the ride while watching tv...hehehe!
Anyway, when we got there, people were just eating & talking. then after a few bottles of beer & wine...people were dancing to the music of some band, jumping and shouting like crazy! hahaha! some photographer was also taking pictures of everyone then flashing 'em on the big screen.
me&myBaby on the balcony
architects goin' wild :)
It was kinda fun just watching yuppies & older people having fun and dancing to old music...hehehe!
I accompanied myBaby to UPD, School of Architecture grand reunion using their new Starex! :) i enjoyed the ride while watching tv...hehehe!
Anyway, when we got there, people were just eating & talking. then after a few bottles of beer & wine...people were dancing to the music of some band, jumping and shouting like crazy! hahaha! some photographer was also taking pictures of everyone then flashing 'em on the big screen.
me&myBaby on the balcony
architects goin' wild :)
It was kinda fun just watching yuppies & older people having fun and dancing to old music...hehehe!
All About Anne
3 beautiful write-ups for me :)
It seems as if this girl sprouted from a smile. Her cheerful disposition makes her a wonderful delight to be around with. More than that, Anne's innermost core exudes simplcity as she finds joy and beauty in the slightest of things. Her capabilities encompass both the academics and sports. She is an efficient multitasker, admirably maintaining a prductive balance among being a diligent student, talented futsal player, and most importantly, a person whom anyone can approach without any ounce of hesitation and with complete trust.
If I were to describe Anne with one popular line, I’d have to go with “the baby is now a lady.” This young lady was once a very sporty girl who did not really care about anything else but winning the game. Yes, it is true. This girl is really competitive. Her competitiveness tends to bring out the best in herself and in others. This is probably the reason why so many people gravitate towards her and would like her to be their friend.
Now, this girl grew up to be one of the finest women a person can meet in their entire life. She’s the girl-next-door type with a touch of class and elegance. Now, what more can you ask for?
All I can say, if you are looking for a winner. No doubt, you’re looking for this girl. Not only is she a winner in her own right, she’s a winner of life.
Anne is the type of person that you would like to be with. You could easily get along with her. In school, you seldom see her alone because she’s always got some company by her side. Well, that’s definitely the reward for being friendly! When it comes to fashion, this girl is much updated. Shopping is her weakness. Besides being fashionable, she is also sporty since she is part of the futsal team. Anne is very outgoing. She enjoys traveling especially to the beach.
Even if she is the youngest in the family, there are a lot of responsibilities entrusted to her already. Whenever given a task, she remains patient and perseveres to get it done as soon as possible. You can definitely rely on this girl! Though she can be busy at times, she still devotes time to talk to the Lord and thank him for all the blessings.
It seems as if this girl sprouted from a smile. Her cheerful disposition makes her a wonderful delight to be around with. More than that, Anne's innermost core exudes simplcity as she finds joy and beauty in the slightest of things. Her capabilities encompass both the academics and sports. She is an efficient multitasker, admirably maintaining a prductive balance among being a diligent student, talented futsal player, and most importantly, a person whom anyone can approach without any ounce of hesitation and with complete trust.
If I were to describe Anne with one popular line, I’d have to go with “the baby is now a lady.” This young lady was once a very sporty girl who did not really care about anything else but winning the game. Yes, it is true. This girl is really competitive. Her competitiveness tends to bring out the best in herself and in others. This is probably the reason why so many people gravitate towards her and would like her to be their friend.
Now, this girl grew up to be one of the finest women a person can meet in their entire life. She’s the girl-next-door type with a touch of class and elegance. Now, what more can you ask for?
All I can say, if you are looking for a winner. No doubt, you’re looking for this girl. Not only is she a winner in her own right, she’s a winner of life.
Anne is the type of person that you would like to be with. You could easily get along with her. In school, you seldom see her alone because she’s always got some company by her side. Well, that’s definitely the reward for being friendly! When it comes to fashion, this girl is much updated. Shopping is her weakness. Besides being fashionable, she is also sporty since she is part of the futsal team. Anne is very outgoing. She enjoys traveling especially to the beach.
Even if she is the youngest in the family, there are a lot of responsibilities entrusted to her already. Whenever given a task, she remains patient and perseveres to get it done as soon as possible. You can definitely rely on this girl! Though she can be busy at times, she still devotes time to talk to the Lord and thank him for all the blessings.
I'm feeling poetic today. so here are some compositions...
Like a Book
I'm a book.
Like my cover?
Wait 'til you look inside.
The real story is in the chapters of my life.
Open the pages and you'll get to know the real me.
It takes time...have patience.
This is the story of myBaby & me
Admired but overlooked.
Befriended me.
Pleased yet ignored.
Rejected you.
I turned as you halted.
Thought I'd be followed.
Didn't see you behind me.
Out of sight...
lost, dazed, confused.
Didn't know where the road was goin'.
Out of nowhere,
you appeared.
Saved me from my loneliness.
I said, "Come, let's take the road together."
You declined,
yet took my hand.
The road not taken.
Free spirits.
Led to the fields...
into the dark woods.
Brought me to paradise.
I love you hon!
For myBaby...
Oh Sweet Reverie!
I can’t sleep.
I can’t stop thinking about you.
I like the way you make me feel special.
It makes me smile just thinking about you,
Remembering every inch of your body,
your smile,
the creases of your cheeks,
your eyes.
I remember how close are bodies were,
breathing gently,
kissing my ears softly…it tingles,
swaying to the music of the wind.
It feels wonderful!
We’re dancing on the clouds.
It’s like touching the heavens above.
It’s surreal…ecstasy!
Full of love,
full of promises we can’t await.
We locked our hands and made our lips touch…
it weakens my knees.
I want this to be forever,
but alas I wake in somber.
In the faint of dawn I wonder,
was it real or just a dream?
Yet every morning of everyday
I wake up to this bittersweet reverie,
Then I see you standing…
One touch of your hand
I know that it’s real
It was then I realized
You have made my dream come true.
This one's written by a lovely friend...
~Addicted to Love~
An image full of strength
I slowly see fade away on the mirror
It grasps to be seen, to be visible
As if holding on to the peak of life
But as she knew, she failed
No matter how hard she tries to escape it,
She simply can't
Addicted to love, addicted to pain,
That is what she is
Her once beautiful innocent image
Will forever be gone
She stares back at me one last time
Shamefully, she cries
Shamefully, she admits
Love captured her once again

my 'lil sistah Chari
Like a Book
I'm a book.
Like my cover?
Wait 'til you look inside.
The real story is in the chapters of my life.
Open the pages and you'll get to know the real me.
It takes time...have patience.
This is the story of myBaby & me
Admired but overlooked.
Befriended me.
Pleased yet ignored.
Rejected you.
I turned as you halted.
Thought I'd be followed.
Didn't see you behind me.
Out of sight...
lost, dazed, confused.
Didn't know where the road was goin'.
Out of nowhere,
you appeared.
Saved me from my loneliness.
I said, "Come, let's take the road together."
You declined,
yet took my hand.
The road not taken.
Free spirits.
Led to the fields...
into the dark woods.
Brought me to paradise.
I love you hon!
For myBaby...
Oh Sweet Reverie!
I can’t sleep.
I can’t stop thinking about you.
I like the way you make me feel special.
It makes me smile just thinking about you,
Remembering every inch of your body,
your smile,
the creases of your cheeks,
your eyes.
I remember how close are bodies were,
breathing gently,
kissing my ears softly…it tingles,
swaying to the music of the wind.
It feels wonderful!
We’re dancing on the clouds.
It’s like touching the heavens above.
It’s surreal…ecstasy!
Full of love,
full of promises we can’t await.
We locked our hands and made our lips touch…
it weakens my knees.
I want this to be forever,
but alas I wake in somber.
In the faint of dawn I wonder,
was it real or just a dream?
Yet every morning of everyday
I wake up to this bittersweet reverie,
Then I see you standing…
One touch of your hand
I know that it’s real
It was then I realized
You have made my dream come true.
This one's written by a lovely friend...
~Addicted to Love~
An image full of strength
I slowly see fade away on the mirror
It grasps to be seen, to be visible
As if holding on to the peak of life
But as she knew, she failed
No matter how hard she tries to escape it,
She simply can't
Addicted to love, addicted to pain,
That is what she is
Her once beautiful innocent image
Will forever be gone
She stares back at me one last time
Shamefully, she cries
Shamefully, she admits
Love captured her once again

my 'lil sistah Chari
Shopping and more...
I looove shopping! i don't go to the mall often but when Christmas season comes and all these bazaars start showing up...expect me to visit one of them...bargaining!!!
When i shop, i go all out...well at least 'till my budget can handle it. my eyes just get bigger and my radar on high mode! the good thing about this is that i don't only get to buy stuff for myself...i also think about others too! (well after i buy those stuff i really fall inlove with & can't stop thinking about) haha!
Earlier i went to St. James bazaar in Ayala Alabang. the stalls were awesome, but damn...it was sooo hot! hot like summer! so i have to thank Mos for bearing the heat & perspiration, and accompanying me, doing all the rounds in the bazaar :) thanx hon!
And as promised, he gave me my trucker cap!!! Yay to me! Remember the pink+brown trucker cap? well, this one comes close...it's a pink Roxy trucker cap!!! no brown color...i'll be the brown to that! haha!
Bought some other neat stuff too!
Boy, were we exhausted afterwards!
Before goin' to the bazaar we went Starex hunting! well not exactly. we just had to check out one in Hyundai, Alabang. Mos & his family are upgrading their van. It looks really good! this one is 2nd hand though. but it's well maintained...it has a tv/dvd and the thermometer thing for clubs. (i didn't quite get what they were talking about, so there) hehe :) He picked me up early this morning, both of us skipping breakfast. so damn! we really starved! fortunately, Mos' parents came to check out the van themselves. they treated us in Pancake House after! so i got to order my favorite taco! yumeh!
Mos is really excited about the van...coz he's the "driver" of the family, and this one is automatic! what a relief for him! The good thing about this is that they're getting it tomorrow! so yay to mos! hope you can sleep tonight and stop thinking about the van! hehe :)
I was reading my e-mail tonight, & my godfather sent me his usual "Daily Bread" messages. It really caught my attention 'coz it was so perfect for this day. (I only started reading his "Daily Bread" messages yesterday from the time he's been sending it to me for almost 1 year & ++months!) The lines at the end strike me, and it goes:
Our heart is made for God alone,
For only He can satisfy;
But oh how much we yearn for things
That in the end are but a lie.
Within each one of us there is a God-shaped vacuum that only God can fill.
So there! I've been thinking about shopping for the past few weeks 'til maybe the holiday season ends. I was thinking...the more i go to bazaars, the more i want to buy stuff for myself. it's true, i can't be satisfied w/ the clothes, bags, shoes, etc. It really got me thinking 'coz many people lost their homes after the typhoon last thursday, and here i am just shopping for myself...thinking of myself!
how bad am i?
Good thing it's never too late to help out. i'll sure be donating some goods, and ofcourse i'll be praying for them. i'm sure you will too. :)
When i shop, i go all out...well at least 'till my budget can handle it. my eyes just get bigger and my radar on high mode! the good thing about this is that i don't only get to buy stuff for myself...i also think about others too! (well after i buy those stuff i really fall inlove with & can't stop thinking about) haha!
Earlier i went to St. James bazaar in Ayala Alabang. the stalls were awesome, but damn...it was sooo hot! hot like summer! so i have to thank Mos for bearing the heat & perspiration, and accompanying me, doing all the rounds in the bazaar :) thanx hon!
And as promised, he gave me my trucker cap!!! Yay to me! Remember the pink+brown trucker cap? well, this one comes close...it's a pink Roxy trucker cap!!! no brown color...i'll be the brown to that! haha!
Bought some other neat stuff too!
Boy, were we exhausted afterwards!
Before goin' to the bazaar we went Starex hunting! well not exactly. we just had to check out one in Hyundai, Alabang. Mos & his family are upgrading their van. It looks really good! this one is 2nd hand though. but it's well maintained...it has a tv/dvd and the thermometer thing for clubs. (i didn't quite get what they were talking about, so there) hehe :) He picked me up early this morning, both of us skipping breakfast. so damn! we really starved! fortunately, Mos' parents came to check out the van themselves. they treated us in Pancake House after! so i got to order my favorite taco! yumeh!
Mos is really excited about the van...coz he's the "driver" of the family, and this one is automatic! what a relief for him! The good thing about this is that they're getting it tomorrow! so yay to mos! hope you can sleep tonight and stop thinking about the van! hehe :)
I was reading my e-mail tonight, & my godfather sent me his usual "Daily Bread" messages. It really caught my attention 'coz it was so perfect for this day. (I only started reading his "Daily Bread" messages yesterday from the time he's been sending it to me for almost 1 year & ++months!) The lines at the end strike me, and it goes:
Our heart is made for God alone,
For only He can satisfy;
But oh how much we yearn for things
That in the end are but a lie.
Within each one of us there is a God-shaped vacuum that only God can fill.
So there! I've been thinking about shopping for the past few weeks 'til maybe the holiday season ends. I was thinking...the more i go to bazaars, the more i want to buy stuff for myself. it's true, i can't be satisfied w/ the clothes, bags, shoes, etc. It really got me thinking 'coz many people lost their homes after the typhoon last thursday, and here i am just shopping for myself...thinking of myself!
how bad am i?
Good thing it's never too late to help out. i'll sure be donating some goods, and ofcourse i'll be praying for them. i'm sure you will too. :)
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