
Left Behind

Am I the only one that’s left behind?
Still lurking in the shadows
Without grace
Without soul
Only discontentment
Efforts left void.

Am I an asset or futile?
When will I be heard?
When will I be seen?
When will my moment come?
I’ve been waiting patiently
For time to pass.

Questions lingering
Hope remains
In this wretched façade
Eager to uncover
The insecurity remains…
Will I ever get to that point?
Or, will I remain left behind?


No Secrets in Love

There is no secret formula for love. A successful relationship is not measured by its length but by its depth. You work things out. Sometimes you compromise, and oftentimes you just give in. You can get what you want but you can also loose yourself. You can fall in and out of love. It’s a constant change and beguiling of the heart. You must gratify and be satisfied. It’s reality and everyday is a discovery. It’s a learning process that you go through. It’s a tough challenge mentally, physically and emotionally. It’s open to all, but not everyone is ready to influence and be transformed.


Domestic Mayhem

Who wants domestic dispute?

Probably nobody.

But when we’re at this point, what is worth fighting over family ties?

Let me see...

Value of a person?
Individual needs?

Every family member has different points of view, approaches, styles, needs and interests. Each individual needs to be heard. The leader needs to, not only be in charge, but also guide and be open-minded. The same goes to everyone else. Members are at liberty to listen, to ask and to know. Opinions need be considered and deliberated, and not just discounted without noteworthy justification. It’s not that there is no trust. But you cannot leave a person in the dark that is very much involved in the matter as a member of the family. It matters to understand to avoid disagreement. Don’t you think so?

Ultimately, everyone’s goal is for the well being not just for oneself, but also of the kin. However, to get to the goal everything needs to be put in place. Set objectives, boundaries, priorities, agreements and tasks because, as what was said, each member of the family is different. It’s the responsible thing to do.

What about emotions?

Emotions come naturally. But it needs to be tempered. It would be very hard to manage but be vigilant about it.

Issues and concerns need to be resolved. I would say being emotional about it is healthy at a certain height. There should be room for it. What’s terrible is when members become apathetic about it because then they just give up disinterested without working for or fighting for a resolution. They become insincere and ineffective. What then is the point?

But then again, what do I really know? It’s just my view, outside looking in.

I am helpless but hopeful.

I believe family ties are valuable. But the family can only thrive and function fittingly taking into account respect and value of each person and his individual needs. Only then should the family make up its collective and common goal.


The Legacy of an Idiosyncratic World

Don't you find it strange?
How many look but don't see
Hear but don't listen
Speak but don't communicate
Study but don't learn
Love but don't commit
Exist but don't live.

It's a world of peculiarities
Of fears and risks
Full of possibilities
Changing and hopeful
Sometimes trapped
In the abyss of solitude
Confusion and desolation.

Others give in
Others give up
But there are those
Who still fight
Struggle and persist
Everything they have
Everything they are.

They are triumphant
Not to see the end
Nor even cherish the fruits
But one who has left
To the children of the future
Victory valued on account
A legacy worth living...
And worth dying for.