Victory at Last!

I’m in euphoria. It’s exhilarating! This elation, I thought, could never be reached with my capabilities. I was mistaken. I have proven my fears and doubts wrong. I am as capable and as talented as anyone else in my league. I just needed a little help from my confidence, knowledge and group mates. This is a legacy. It has long been overdue but now I am proud to be the one to roll it out. A brilliant project that was passed on to me to finish what was needed. I am grateful to my mentors who have helped me and to those who have been very patient with the circumstances and me. This experience has taught me a great deal. I can carry this on to the next level and do better. This is my triumph, our success. Nothing is sweeter than the taste of victory at hand. Cheers!
***image www.decodeunicode.org
***image www.decodeunicode.org
On Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Try watching the movie. Or if you have...wonderful isn’t it? The mind forgets but the heart, the feeling will always remain. The risk of erasing a part of your memory to forget the hurt, the pain is also wiping out your memory of love and laughter. It’s your loss either way, for there is no love without pain.
During the procedure of erasing Joel’s memory was emotional. Even in sleep he remembers all of the love, the pain, the embarrassment, the craziness. Those were the best days of his life. The times when he didn’t need drugs to get high. The time he felt most alive. He felt all those emotions possible. He felt how it is to love and be loved.
How happy is the blameless Vestal's lot!
The world forgetting, by the world forgot.
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind!
Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd.
- Alexander Pope's "Eloisa to Abelard"
"Blessed are the forgetful: for they shall have done with their stupidities too."
- Nietsche's Beyond Good and Evil, Part VII
The world forgetting, by the world forgot.
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind!
Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd.
- Alexander Pope's "Eloisa to Abelard"
"Blessed are the forgetful: for they shall have done with their stupidities too."
- Nietsche's Beyond Good and Evil, Part VII
It was a rollercoaster ride going through that process. But the best part of the movie was waking up. When Joel woke up he felt empty, like something was missing…a big hole in his brain. More weird scenes from the characters followed until they find out what was going on…what they did and how they did it. Then there was the hallway scene…the scene where they knew that the bad things that happened between them may just repeat itself if they continued seeing each other. A life-changing scene. A decision has to be made. Risk it all. Risk everything...even the hurt and pain.
-------------------- “What do we do?” --------------------
-------------------- “Enjoy it!” --------------------
-------------------- “Enjoy it!” --------------------
“Joel follows her into the hallway and asks her to wait, not knowing what to do. Clementine tells Joel that their relationship is bound to fail, based on what they now know about it. However, Joel just shrugs and says “Okay” (indicating that he doesn’t care about what may happen in the future).
For a brief moment, Clementine looks bewildered by Joel’s response, but then she quickly nods her head. Both of them begin to laugh over the absurdity of the situation.” (Wikipedia)
Beautiful. Pure bliss.
The Light Bulb

Ideas. They’re everywhere. They’re in everything.
I find it phenomenal when ideas grow and become bigger than life itself.
So I encourage everyone to learn. Be open-minded. Never stop learning. Everyday there’s something new to learn. There’s room for improvement. It’s up to you to retain the things you have learned. And if you do, plant the seeds, rather, the ideas. Make them grow. Make it happen.
"...challenge the status quo, ask tough questions, and realize that it's OK to ask why." VegasFilAmGuy
***image www.quantum-electrics.co.nz
Ped Xing. Please Yield.

Damn it!
Just when you think you’re day is going to be perfectly fine something happens...like a snap of a finger or a blink of the eye...it’s ruined.
So I’m going to let loose to calm me down.
This FX taxi almost rammed me over while crossing the pedestrian lane.
I just came from Galleria after lunchtime. I safely crossed the 1st half of ADB Avenue to the island. The 2nd half of the road has 3 lanes where traffic leads to one direction. The nearest lane closest to the island where I was standing was not moving and had quite a line. I saw that it was a stop ahead. The 2nd lane didn’t have a long line. In fact, 3 more cars can occupy the lane to my left but there were no cars approaching. Then there were PUVs parked in the 3rd lane. “Ok”. So I thought, “It’s safe to cross”.
Suddenly, as I was about to cross the 2nd lane, I noticed this FX from the line of the 1st lane maneuvering to the 2nd lane to get ahead. It was the 4th vehicle to my right. (I was still aware and alert while crossing even if I had checked before hand because you never know.)
I was way ahead of it because it just got into the 2nd lane while I was already halfway of it. There were also other pedestrians behind me (I was the first to cross) so I figured no need to run, it will stop to give way.
Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!
It was going way too fast considering there were pedestrians. It was like suddenly from it being in a full stop it had no breaks! It stepped on its gas as soon as it changed lanes. So I jumped quickly to the 3rd lane to avoid from getting slammed! Idiotically, the driver stepped on his breaks after I jumped! So I looked back and shot him an angry - “if looks can kill” – look. He stopped just exactly where I was! Ass****! He even had the nerve of being angry himself! I mean, what!? Was he blind or just plain stupid!? Where was he going in such a hurry while the traffic was still on a stop!? He was just a few meters away before he would stop again.
What’s equally worse is that another driver from one of the PUVs parked in the 3rd lane suggested that I should’ve let the FX hit me. It didn’t sound like an insult or that he was mocking me. I guess that was what he would’ve done if he were in my place. I mean for what? So the driver of the FX would learn his lesson? So he can earn out of physical injury and internal hemorrhage!? Never mind, thank you! I just ignored his comment.
Was it my mistake of crossing the pedestrian lane when I checked first if the road was clear to cross?
Pedestrian lanes are there for a reason. Cars must yield. Pedestrians should be given priority. I guess not applicable in this country! I’m sorry to say that I for one, at least once in my life, am guilty of unyielding. But normally, I do yield. So maybe what happened earlier was my karma. I believe in karma.
I hate it most when it’s a stop and you see it’s a "bumper to bumper" traffic and yet cars would still block the pedestrian lane. Hello!? The lanes should be free for pedestrians to cross!!! It shouldn’t be blocked while on a stop! It’s a simple road courtesy. A lot of drivers lack road courtesy.
In fairness to the other drivers out there, even some pedestrians don’t use the painted lines to cross. Hell, they will cross anytime, anywhere! They don’t even use the overpass. They prefer to run and do the whole “frogger scene”. The Frogger is a game, if you don’t know, where it must safely cross the busy highway, lane after lane, avoiding trucks and the like (the original game used snakes) to run-over it.
Since I’ve already mentioned about road courtesy and drivers without it. What’s up with a lot of Jeepney drivers making a stop in the MIDDLE OF THE ROAD TO LOAD AND UNLOAD PASSENGERS!? (The same goes with many bus drivers). They cause heavy traffic! The worst thing about it is that they don't mind! They don't care! Crab mentality! It’s really irritating! There are a lot of those in Sucat Road and shit I pass by that road all the time! My mom already asked one of the traffic enforcers one morning to do something about it. But to no avail, these traffic enforcers find themselves swaying their hands back and forth signaling to the cars, “Go, go!” But I expect more of that swaying of the hands or the sign of stop with the hand. They should enforce traffic rules for they are TRAFFIC ENFORCERS! Duh!
I also don’t get why these traffic enforcers allow, right under their noses, these drivers to clog the intersection right after the stop sign and it’s a green light? These are the Jeepneys queuing to load passengers on the shoulder but since other Jeepney drivers want to get ahead and load passengers for themselves, they occupy the middle lane of a 3-lane road, allowing only one lane for passing. To make it worse, cars from the right side of the intersection with the green light are allowed to turn making it even more congested. Chaos!
No wonder other countries see the Philippines as a Third World. It’s not just because of our economy but also because of the lack of discipline. They could just imagine monkeys driving a Mercedes Benz.
This sucks!
We complain a lot...too much actually. We are never satisfied. It has to be this way and ours only. No questions ask. It’s simple. All you have to do is listen, then follow.
The problem is even if we do listen, what goes on in our heads is beyond control of anyone else’s. We have our own worlds up there, and how we comprehend what was heard will all depend.
So that sucks for people communicating in different wave lengths. It’s utter confusion. Disastrous. Killer.
Well anyway, enough of my whining. I'm really bugging. The day isn’t over. It’s still up to me now how I would want it to end. Hope my mood will get back to its right track.
***image www.istockphoto.com
Dream To Live
I never expected much. I just try to appreciate everything that comes my way. I know what I have and what I don’t have. I know what I can and cannot do. I know and I don’t know. I try to live what life brings. I try to grab the opportunities presented and sometimes create it for myself. I’m fortunate at that, and sometime I wonder if I even deserve this life. Hmm? I say yes, although I may not understand it yet. I am here for a purpose.
Now, as I discover more and more each day about the world I live in and how it’s beautiful and cruel at the same time, I want to do more. Give more to the world that has been good to me. Give praises to Him who have blessed me. Reach out to the people to help. Yes, this is my dream. It’s simple, so it’s doable, but the impact is great! But the more I dream of it, the less it becomes reality.
But I have a goal. In 4 years time I want to look back and realize that I have lived my dream. In 4 years time I want to have made a difference. For myself, I want to “Explore. Dream. Discover.” just as Mark Twain wrote. I want to share this to the world, not for the fame or the glory. It’s self-fulfillment. Once you’re fulfilled, you can give so much because it flows freely out of you. It’s infectious.
They say I’m fickle-minded. Well, yes. That’s just me. There are only two things I am sure of in this world that I have decided to do for the rest of my life. That is to love and to realize my dream. I want to live, and “to live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all” (Osacar Wilde). Dream to live, my friend, and not the other way around.
So today and everyday that is to come is a chance to realize this dream. Let me count the ways…starting now.
Now, as I discover more and more each day about the world I live in and how it’s beautiful and cruel at the same time, I want to do more. Give more to the world that has been good to me. Give praises to Him who have blessed me. Reach out to the people to help. Yes, this is my dream. It’s simple, so it’s doable, but the impact is great! But the more I dream of it, the less it becomes reality.
But I have a goal. In 4 years time I want to look back and realize that I have lived my dream. In 4 years time I want to have made a difference. For myself, I want to “Explore. Dream. Discover.” just as Mark Twain wrote. I want to share this to the world, not for the fame or the glory. It’s self-fulfillment. Once you’re fulfilled, you can give so much because it flows freely out of you. It’s infectious.
They say I’m fickle-minded. Well, yes. That’s just me. There are only two things I am sure of in this world that I have decided to do for the rest of my life. That is to love and to realize my dream. I want to live, and “to live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all” (Osacar Wilde). Dream to live, my friend, and not the other way around.
So today and everyday that is to come is a chance to realize this dream. Let me count the ways…starting now.
They say life is short. Life is short to be wasting time on stupid things with no value. Come on people! Seize the day! Benjamin Franklin said, “Never leave that till tomorrow which you can do today”. True all that.
But don’t worry about that too much. There is still time. Everything has its right time and place.
Let’s wait a little while. No need to rush. It’s the best feeling reminiscing the moments in time. Then a crease is formed at the side of your mouth forming a smile. Daydreaming. Looking funny.
Ah! Life. Sometimes it’s fast-paced, at times in slow motion. It’s all good.
Life. Oh life! Beautiful life. I want every bit of it. Experience the life.
Wake up each morning and thank Him for another life. Then just before your sweet dreams, thank Him for the experience.
So it doesn’t really matter if life is short. Who said it’s short anyway? Short for the living or the dying?
Make the most of your day. Experience life that He allowed you to live. Yes. Live life to the fullest.
Be happy and make Him proud!
But don’t worry about that too much. There is still time. Everything has its right time and place.
Let’s wait a little while. No need to rush. It’s the best feeling reminiscing the moments in time. Then a crease is formed at the side of your mouth forming a smile. Daydreaming. Looking funny.
Ah! Life. Sometimes it’s fast-paced, at times in slow motion. It’s all good.
Life. Oh life! Beautiful life. I want every bit of it. Experience the life.
Wake up each morning and thank Him for another life. Then just before your sweet dreams, thank Him for the experience.
So it doesn’t really matter if life is short. Who said it’s short anyway? Short for the living or the dying?
Make the most of your day. Experience life that He allowed you to live. Yes. Live life to the fullest.
Be happy and make Him proud!
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