- When you're happy.
- When I'm with you.
- When you're proud of me.
The Loving Forgiveness Of A Father
Then you react based on the situation.
Your reason is overshadowed with great feelings and emotion.
You tend to say something harsh or do something stupid.
After everything that was said and done the conflict remains.
You lock yourself up in your room to cool your head and ponder on the incident.
You try to reflect and recall what transpired.
Then you realize the lapse in judgment…the mistakes made.
You come to your senses and accept fault.
You humble yourself and think of ways to make it up.
You pray and muster strength to combat pride within you.
And if successful, you come into terms with the conflict.
“I’m sorry.”
You blurted out softly and shyly at first.
“Ok.” was the instant reply you got.
You repeat it but this time you’re filled with guilt and you meant every word.
You hoped for a favorable response of forgiveness as your watery eyes trickled down into tears.
You try to hide it but couldn’t handle the shame of disrespect.
So you pleaded by crying and leaning the head on the shoulder.
That little drama helped a lot in gaining sympathy, but it was heartfelt and real.
You began to sob uncontrollably because of an embrace.
It was the embrace of forgiveness and love of a loving father to a child that strayed.
You wondered how great his love must be as he welcomed you into his arms and forgot about the hurt caused.
The conflict was resolved and the resolution was not to hurt him like that again.
And so you try your best to be a good daughter…for him and his great love…because he deserves it and because you love him dearly.
Then you treat him to Starbucks to make sure everything’s back to normal and more.
And indeed it was! ☺
I want to get out of here!
I'm not happy here!
I'm not myself here!
I just hurt the people close to my heart.
I don't want to do that anymore.
I want to stop!
I want to freeze time to this wonderful fleeting moment of joy.
I want to fast forward time to the day I am yours and you are mine forever!
The Reason
...........................my life is so colorful.
...........................I tamed my vices.
...........................I try my very best to be patient.
...........................I look forward to tomorrow.
...........................I struggle to be the best I can be and improve.
...........................I feel so lucky and blessed.
...........................I feel loved and important.
...........................I hope and dream.
...........................I want to look my best.
...........................I want to be loyal.
...........................I want to have a family.
...........................I want to live my life.
...........................I love and my life is full of spirit.
You’re my reason for everything.
You’re my reason for my happiness.
I wouldn’t exchange you for the world!
I Love You

It is not confined in the words of what it means.
It is beyond my comprehension.
It’s unconditional love.
Sometimes I don’t understand nor can I explain it.
It’s not a mystery for me to solve.
It’s not just this feeling.
I love you because I choose to love you.
But love…oh love!
It took over me.
And it feels oh so wonderful.
I like it!
***image https://www.fireworksarcade.com/images/love-heart.jpg
Lovers and Haters
He must have had done something awful to deserve your hatred. Because if not, how do you grow to hate the person you love?
You form thoughts in your head…thoughts that will justify the reasons for hating him. And so you dig in to his flaws and try to bury the happy memories. You force yourself to do this – reasoning out and analyzing everything that was said and done beating yourself from loneliness. Some things are pointed out and exaggerated. We believe the things we want to believe. We cry then harden ourselves. We find fault in him because this is the easiest way to cope with the heartache.
Hate is a powerful word. It comes deep within the person. It grows through time.
I’ve been hated once like this before…hated to be forgotten. And he felt he needed to do it for himself. I thought it was unfair of him because I felt I didn’t really do anything to deserve it. Because I thought I was clear from the very beginning that I just wanted to be friends.
But it was his way of coping…because he needed to forget about me in order to move on with his life…so he would stop expecting. It worked for him he said. But fate had its way. When our hearts met the second time around, there was something there I thought I never had…I thought I had lost…almost. He thought he hated me…thought he’d forgotten about me, but it all came rushing back. And now we’ve been together ever since.
So how can you hate the person you love when the person you thought you’d learn to hate, you actually still love? Always have I suppose…
You can’t really hate the person you love…well not totally. The heart can be independent from the brain sometimes. When you love, you love with your heart. But when the heart is broken, you try to protect it with all you can…and the brain somehow dictates how the heart should feel. It will feel the rationalizations and the logical explanations of the head. So no matter how much you still love the person, reason will direct you to forget and move on…it will dismiss the feelings of the heart. How will you do this? The easiest way is to hate the person so as not to prolong your suffering. And so you train yourself to dislike the person until eventually you learn to abhor him. Once you’ve done so…the heart stops beating for him. And you will congratulate yourself for doing so because now you can say that you have moved on. Or so you thought…
Because now, you only learned to hate him but not really forget about him. And I am not quite certain how far you can go in ‘moving on’ with hate lingering inside you. This is why, they say, the ‘exes’, (especially those who had bad break-ups and great expectations burst) can never be friends…only in civility perhaps…those who have not lost each others’ respect. So no, I don’t believe you should hate the person you love in order to move on.
You can say, however, that you stopped expecting. And so the feeling fades and maybe…just maybe…love fades with it. Until the heart heals and until you learn to accept…only time can tell. But this, at least, is a good basis of moving on. Accept and not expect…but never be a hater of love.
Simply Writing

Write everything down.
Your opinions, your thoughts, your feelings.
Feel free. Open up.
Take the weight off your shoulders.
Share it to the world.
It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t rhyme.
It doesn’t matter if you don’t make sense.
It doesn’t matter if they don’t understand.
It doesn’t matter for this is your pleasure, your solace.
Everything is raw and abstract.
It is real. Filled with emotions.
Careless and carefree…you decide!
But behind it all there is a story.
And that is it.
We have to do things on our own.
We have to be alone.
We have to make risks.
We have to learn to let go.
We have to think for ourselves.
We have to make a stand.
We have to speak up.
We have to listen.
We just have to let things be.
It is not so bad.
We have to face the truth.
We have to face reality.
We have to face our demons.
We have to face the world.
We have to face responsibility.
We cannot expect.
So we can be happy.
So we can have peace of mind.
So we can face ourselves in the mirror.
So we can face the world…
Our friends….
Our family…
Our love…
Our God.
Inncocent Danger
What was ironic though was I found myself amused with these little kids on the sidewalk…simple joys. But at the same time I was concerned that these kids were playing at risk. They were in danger of getting hit by a car or truck with one wrong step.
But why is this? Why can’t these innocent kids play peacefully on a playground? Are they getting the same opportunities as with the other kids?
I guess not. It may be worse for some.
The light turned green and so I sped away with my thoughts lingering with those boys and the other kids with the same fate.
How To Save A Soul

I don’t need to be a doctor.
I don't need to be a cop.
I don't need to be a lifeguard.
I don’t need to be Superman.
But I want to save you…
not for your health…
not for your protection…
not for your life...
not for anything else...
So tell me, how do you save a soul?
Can anyone tell me please!?
I’m helpless knowing this.
A nun or priest perhaps?
Turn to God.
Turn to the Bible.
These...I hope...will help save a soul.
***image www.matamata.com
The Road To Happiness

There came a point in my life...
Where I had to choose the path...
Where my journey will carry on.
Filled with uncertainty...
From the pictures of vagueness ahead.
I was frightened.
I was in the middle...
Of hundreds of roads.
I couldn’t choose.
I closed my eyes...
And let my heart decide.
My feet tread...
Where the wind blew...
As it carried me...
Through the woods, the storm...
Across the fields, the mountains, the seas, the skies.
It was exhausting...
Yet exhilarating.
It made me...
A road...
Where distance is not measured...
Where no boundaries are set...
Where time has no relevance...
Where the world is in slow motion...
This is the road I chose...
The road that led me to you...
The road we took together...
Where I walk, you will follow...
And that I would gladly do the same.
I never imagined it to be...
As beautiful as this...
Sweet bliss...
Of sugar-coated dreams.
Oh what delight...
Sheer happiness!
Although I am still with fear...
That this feeling of ecstasy is all fleeting...
That the cookie may crumble...
That the picture may soon fade...
That the heart may stop beating...
For nothing is forever.
It may seem wasteful...
But this is the life...
That keeps us grounded...
For what goes up...
Must come down...
And this is reality...
We all have to face...
Keep in mind.
But I am grateful...
To have chosen this path...
And living it...
For it is all worth living for...
And worth dying for...
Love surpasses everything.
This is it.
We have come along way...
It has been smooth, rough and dirty
And there will be more ahead.
There may be narrow roads, sharp curves,
Turns and dead-ends...
We will yield to it all...
Not to surrender...
But to build and re-build...
Roads, bridges, tunnels...
Of love and promises,
Words, actions and fancy alike,
Where everything becomes one.
My road, your road...
It will meet, to be our road...
And I will cherish this long drive with you.
The Rainbow After the Rain

I have no major issues...no personal dilemma, no family problems, no shaky finances, no stressful work, no deteriorating health, no conflicts with friends or co-workers...no nothing. I have a carefree life! Thank God! I am blessed. But we all are.
So how come people think I live a perfect life? No, I don’t think so. No one is perfect. Nothing is perfect but the Omnipotent One above. I can’t say that my life is problem-free. I encounter it everyday.
Handling it with 10%...ok 20% of crying and loosing yourself out of rage and depression is enough. Shake it off!
Know the problem. Look for opportunities and solutions. Pray hard. Ask for help and guidance. Believe in yourself. Approach it. Handle it. We can do this.
Yes, it’s easier said than done. But that’s just the way it is. Everyone has to pass through it...even He who suffered for us. It’s a matter of time. Just remember the beautiful butterfly that has to struggle in its cocoon in order to fly...to be free!
He is your solace when lost.
The Element of Change

I’m behind the wheel. Out for a joyride. Speeding. The images through the window are a blur. Buckle up. It’s a rollercoaster ride.
I’m putting my feet on the ground, fists clenched, chest out, chin up high, eyes with intensity and my soul on fire.
I’m in-charge here. Follow my lead. Stand up. Stand up high. For we are the driving force...the element of change.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” -- Margaret Mead
***image www.northlandposter.com
Fight the Good Fight

Stop. Just how productive do you think your day is? How are you spending your life today? Think...hmm...a little more...hmmm...
Blank. My day is such a waste. Sitting. Waiting ‘til the clock says it’s time.
I’m a bum at work. How horrible! Shameful. Better to work my ass off with a sweat than in this pretentious place. It’s so unfair and yet I’m aware of my callousness.
The devil is lurking around me. His cunning ways are ready to seize my soul, anytime now, to burn!
Help! Save me from captivity. I am rotting.
My ideas are confined in this hollow box. I long for the emancipation of my spirit. It’s out there...in the wild, in the open seas…where my heart treads. This idealistic mind boasts a lot but lacks feat. But my convictions are genuine. It is yearning with vigor. It is hopeful that the world tomorrow will be the consequence of the good fight, by us...today. “Fight the good fight”, we shall bellow together in unison.
And so I’m stirred not to succumb to apathy. I am in the battlefield waging war against my personal evils. I shall fight the good fight, and I will thrive.
Victory at Last!

***image www.decodeunicode.org
On Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Try watching the movie. Or if you have...wonderful isn’t it? The mind forgets but the heart, the feeling will always remain. The risk of erasing a part of your memory to forget the hurt, the pain is also wiping out your memory of love and laughter. It’s your loss either way, for there is no love without pain.
During the procedure of erasing Joel’s memory was emotional. Even in sleep he remembers all of the love, the pain, the embarrassment, the craziness. Those were the best days of his life. The times when he didn’t need drugs to get high. The time he felt most alive. He felt all those emotions possible. He felt how it is to love and be loved.
The world forgetting, by the world forgot.
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind!
Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd.
- Alexander Pope's "Eloisa to Abelard"
"Blessed are the forgetful: for they shall have done with their stupidities too."
- Nietsche's Beyond Good and Evil, Part VII
It was a rollercoaster ride going through that process. But the best part of the movie was waking up. When Joel woke up he felt empty, like something was missing…a big hole in his brain. More weird scenes from the characters followed until they find out what was going on…what they did and how they did it. Then there was the hallway scene…the scene where they knew that the bad things that happened between them may just repeat itself if they continued seeing each other. A life-changing scene. A decision has to be made. Risk it all. Risk everything...even the hurt and pain.
-------------------- “Enjoy it!” --------------------
“Joel follows her into the hallway and asks her to wait, not knowing what to do. Clementine tells Joel that their relationship is bound to fail, based on what they now know about it. However, Joel just shrugs and says “Okay” (indicating that he doesn’t care about what may happen in the future).
For a brief moment, Clementine looks bewildered by Joel’s response, but then she quickly nods her head. Both of them begin to laugh over the absurdity of the situation.” (Wikipedia)
Beautiful. Pure bliss.
The Light Bulb

Ideas. They’re everywhere. They’re in everything.
I find it phenomenal when ideas grow and become bigger than life itself.
So I encourage everyone to learn. Be open-minded. Never stop learning. Everyday there’s something new to learn. There’s room for improvement. It’s up to you to retain the things you have learned. And if you do, plant the seeds, rather, the ideas. Make them grow. Make it happen.
"...challenge the status quo, ask tough questions, and realize that it's OK to ask why." VegasFilAmGuy
***image www.quantum-electrics.co.nz
Ped Xing. Please Yield.

Damn it!
Just when you think you’re day is going to be perfectly fine something happens...like a snap of a finger or a blink of the eye...it’s ruined.
So I’m going to let loose to calm me down.
This FX taxi almost rammed me over while crossing the pedestrian lane.
I just came from Galleria after lunchtime. I safely crossed the 1st half of ADB Avenue to the island. The 2nd half of the road has 3 lanes where traffic leads to one direction. The nearest lane closest to the island where I was standing was not moving and had quite a line. I saw that it was a stop ahead. The 2nd lane didn’t have a long line. In fact, 3 more cars can occupy the lane to my left but there were no cars approaching. Then there were PUVs parked in the 3rd lane. “Ok”. So I thought, “It’s safe to cross”.
Suddenly, as I was about to cross the 2nd lane, I noticed this FX from the line of the 1st lane maneuvering to the 2nd lane to get ahead. It was the 4th vehicle to my right. (I was still aware and alert while crossing even if I had checked before hand because you never know.)
I was way ahead of it because it just got into the 2nd lane while I was already halfway of it. There were also other pedestrians behind me (I was the first to cross) so I figured no need to run, it will stop to give way.
Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!
It was going way too fast considering there were pedestrians. It was like suddenly from it being in a full stop it had no breaks! It stepped on its gas as soon as it changed lanes. So I jumped quickly to the 3rd lane to avoid from getting slammed! Idiotically, the driver stepped on his breaks after I jumped! So I looked back and shot him an angry - “if looks can kill” – look. He stopped just exactly where I was! Ass****! He even had the nerve of being angry himself! I mean, what!? Was he blind or just plain stupid!? Where was he going in such a hurry while the traffic was still on a stop!? He was just a few meters away before he would stop again.
What’s equally worse is that another driver from one of the PUVs parked in the 3rd lane suggested that I should’ve let the FX hit me. It didn’t sound like an insult or that he was mocking me. I guess that was what he would’ve done if he were in my place. I mean for what? So the driver of the FX would learn his lesson? So he can earn out of physical injury and internal hemorrhage!? Never mind, thank you! I just ignored his comment.
Was it my mistake of crossing the pedestrian lane when I checked first if the road was clear to cross?
Pedestrian lanes are there for a reason. Cars must yield. Pedestrians should be given priority. I guess not applicable in this country! I’m sorry to say that I for one, at least once in my life, am guilty of unyielding. But normally, I do yield. So maybe what happened earlier was my karma. I believe in karma.
I hate it most when it’s a stop and you see it’s a "bumper to bumper" traffic and yet cars would still block the pedestrian lane. Hello!? The lanes should be free for pedestrians to cross!!! It shouldn’t be blocked while on a stop! It’s a simple road courtesy. A lot of drivers lack road courtesy.
In fairness to the other drivers out there, even some pedestrians don’t use the painted lines to cross. Hell, they will cross anytime, anywhere! They don’t even use the overpass. They prefer to run and do the whole “frogger scene”. The Frogger is a game, if you don’t know, where it must safely cross the busy highway, lane after lane, avoiding trucks and the like (the original game used snakes) to run-over it.
Since I’ve already mentioned about road courtesy and drivers without it. What’s up with a lot of Jeepney drivers making a stop in the MIDDLE OF THE ROAD TO LOAD AND UNLOAD PASSENGERS!? (The same goes with many bus drivers). They cause heavy traffic! The worst thing about it is that they don't mind! They don't care! Crab mentality! It’s really irritating! There are a lot of those in Sucat Road and shit I pass by that road all the time! My mom already asked one of the traffic enforcers one morning to do something about it. But to no avail, these traffic enforcers find themselves swaying their hands back and forth signaling to the cars, “Go, go!” But I expect more of that swaying of the hands or the sign of stop with the hand. They should enforce traffic rules for they are TRAFFIC ENFORCERS! Duh!
I also don’t get why these traffic enforcers allow, right under their noses, these drivers to clog the intersection right after the stop sign and it’s a green light? These are the Jeepneys queuing to load passengers on the shoulder but since other Jeepney drivers want to get ahead and load passengers for themselves, they occupy the middle lane of a 3-lane road, allowing only one lane for passing. To make it worse, cars from the right side of the intersection with the green light are allowed to turn making it even more congested. Chaos!
No wonder other countries see the Philippines as a Third World. It’s not just because of our economy but also because of the lack of discipline. They could just imagine monkeys driving a Mercedes Benz.
This sucks!
We complain a lot...too much actually. We are never satisfied. It has to be this way and ours only. No questions ask. It’s simple. All you have to do is listen, then follow.
The problem is even if we do listen, what goes on in our heads is beyond control of anyone else’s. We have our own worlds up there, and how we comprehend what was heard will all depend.
So that sucks for people communicating in different wave lengths. It’s utter confusion. Disastrous. Killer.
Well anyway, enough of my whining. I'm really bugging. The day isn’t over. It’s still up to me now how I would want it to end. Hope my mood will get back to its right track.
***image www.istockphoto.com
Dream To Live
Now, as I discover more and more each day about the world I live in and how it’s beautiful and cruel at the same time, I want to do more. Give more to the world that has been good to me. Give praises to Him who have blessed me. Reach out to the people to help. Yes, this is my dream. It’s simple, so it’s doable, but the impact is great! But the more I dream of it, the less it becomes reality.
But I have a goal. In 4 years time I want to look back and realize that I have lived my dream. In 4 years time I want to have made a difference. For myself, I want to “Explore. Dream. Discover.” just as Mark Twain wrote. I want to share this to the world, not for the fame or the glory. It’s self-fulfillment. Once you’re fulfilled, you can give so much because it flows freely out of you. It’s infectious.
They say I’m fickle-minded. Well, yes. That’s just me. There are only two things I am sure of in this world that I have decided to do for the rest of my life. That is to love and to realize my dream. I want to live, and “to live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all” (Osacar Wilde). Dream to live, my friend, and not the other way around.
So today and everyday that is to come is a chance to realize this dream. Let me count the ways…starting now.
But don’t worry about that too much. There is still time. Everything has its right time and place.
Let’s wait a little while. No need to rush. It’s the best feeling reminiscing the moments in time. Then a crease is formed at the side of your mouth forming a smile. Daydreaming. Looking funny.
Ah! Life. Sometimes it’s fast-paced, at times in slow motion. It’s all good.
Life. Oh life! Beautiful life. I want every bit of it. Experience the life.
Wake up each morning and thank Him for another life. Then just before your sweet dreams, thank Him for the experience.
So it doesn’t really matter if life is short. Who said it’s short anyway? Short for the living or the dying?
Make the most of your day. Experience life that He allowed you to live. Yes. Live life to the fullest.
Be happy and make Him proud!
The Mediocre
I tell you there is no shame in mediocrity. Some people see it as a weakness while others, their starting point.
Weakness or not, there is no shame in mediocrity...shame on those who settle for it!
The mediocre? You know – the average, the ordinary, the second-rate, the so-so – they’re just like you and me. They actually are you and me in some aspects or another. It’s just that I’m good at this and you’re not. Your good at that and I’m not. It’s a balance. It’s just fair.
So don’t settle for anything less of your value. Once you’ve discovered your value, you’re empowered. Stop digging the hole you got yourself into. Get out. Remember the holes. Learn from it and never fall into the same pit. Then start all over again but this time you’re wiser.
Fight for what’s yours. Fight for what’s right. Don’t accept anything less. Don’t be a cushion for the rubbish thrown at you. Strive for that balance.
You see. There is no shame in mediocrity, just don’t settle for it.
Britney Spitz

Say hi to Britney Spitz!
Yes, I named her after Britney Spears...not because I like her or anything. I think it’s a cool name. Spitz fits just like Spears ‘coz her breed is Japanese Spitz! Harhar! Do you find it corny?
Oh well, what the hell! I love my dog...she’s so adorable! She’s one of Fluffy’s brood...the pup of Moch’s aunt. She’s super smart and sweet but absolutely picky when it comes to her food! She’s a carnivore...doesn’t like rice and dog biscuits! “Why!? When I bought so much dog biscuits for you!?”
I don’t even treat her like an A-class pup but I love her so dear. Hehe! I can’t believe I’m writing about my dog like this. Oh well!
She can be loud and appear fierce at times but it’s all in her voice. She’s so well behaved and loves to play with her toy ball. Whenever I would sit on the chair in our patio she would jump up my lap and stay comfy there. Her ears would stand like a rabbit’s whenever she would hear something. So cute! Not as cute or as clean or as smart as other dogs perhaps but she’s my dog. Hihi! She’s one of my stress relievers.
I would walk her with her purple leash and jog with her once in a while...oh what fun! What an energetic four-legged creature! I can’t keep up with her! She actually knows I’m walking her when she sees the rope of her leash in my hand. She gets excited!
Did I tell you she’s also a flirt? She would only listen to Moch to sit, stay and lie down (play dead, haha!). I don’t get it. Maybe it’s in the voice? Whatever! She also practically wants to play with my dad every time she sees him. It’s like she lights up. Haha! That makes me laugh.
What I like most about her is she doesn’t dirty or pee anywhere! She was potty trained! Yeah, the newspaper trick works! Good for me!
So anyway, I just want to say...love your pets! They can help us become more responsible, sensitive and caring.
I Know You...
Hi! How are you? It’s been a long time since we’ve seen or talked in this tiny old house. Teasing or annoying you seems to be the only way for you to notice me.
What’s up? You seem to have become distant lately. Is anything the matter? You’re always up early, leaving hurriedly then coming home late at night...or rather early the next day. Is it work, graduate school or both?
So, I see you’ve been smoking, been drinking lately, been out too much. You look so tired. Can’t you stop and take things slowly?
I’ve never seen you like this. You seem sad and lonely. Managing a smile or a laugh just to hide the hollowness. Is it something...someone or just this hell of a life we keep complaining about?
Be happy. You have been blessed. Everything’s going to be okay. Pray. You’ve been there, gone and left, but you’ll be back. I’m sure of it. I know you. Usted es mi hermano.
Our Beach
But what I remember most are the strolls along the shoreline hand in hand, the sea breeze blowing softly, our foot prints marking the sand that the water washes away. It’s that memorable first kiss as the sun bids goodbye. Laying on the sand while gazing at the starry starry night. It’s our exchange of dreams and promises to each other. It’s the hug that kept us warm. It’s your eyes, your smile, your touch.
These were the moments...that we owned the beach. Our beach...ours forever!
On Breaking Free
I thought it was a great insight. Then I asked myself, how does one breakfree from the mechanical routine of life? Suicide? Of course not! That’s the easy way out.
It’s funny. It just came to me that after graduation, everyone seemed to be jumping in the same pool as everyone else’s...but it wasn’t a pool! It was a washing machine that whirls and whirls mechanically...just like our jobs. We spent four years or so in college just to join the perfunctory whirling. It’s sickening!
I envy those people who traveled. They enjoyed a brief moment of their life. It is marked that can never be erased. They can look back and reminisce those wonderful moments…moments that they are proud of and stories that will be told...stories that will be immortalized.
So is this how it feels like? This...the feeling of being part of the ‘real world’. Questions forming such as - what am I doing with my life? What is my purpose? Where am I headed? It’s scary!
And so I jumped in, because where else am I to go? What will I do? I have my BSIT degree with me, and what am I to do with it if not to jump in as well? It’s the only logical thing for me to do. If not, it’s like I’ve just wasted my 4 years of college education!
And so here I am… composing my thoughts. Waiting for the time. Waiting…just waiting. Waiting for something to happen with my life. Here I am...thinking…thinking how to break free from the mechanical routine of life (which is my original question by the way and the reason why I am writing in the first place).
How the hell!? I actually don’t know where to start...
Don’t get me wrong okay. I like my work. I think it’s a great opportunity for me to succeed in my chosen field. I also like the company I work for and the people I work with. It’s like family here. Well anyway, going back...
It seems that at my young age, I want to try everything...as in everything! It could be the reason why I want to do this and that, try this and that, be here, go there…whatever, wherever, whenever! I can’t seem to manage the things that I want to do and the things that I should do. It could be the reason why I want to breakfree and just have all the time in the world to do everything I please. But ofcourse with work demands, I can’t do that. We simply cannot. Well actually we can but it would be reckless of us. We’re such eager spirits! We cannot be imprisoned by work!
So what am I saying? Do I need time management? Hmmm...well...errrrr...maybe...perhaps...it can help...I think...
Discipline. Maybe I still lack discipline with my desires. Maybe I’m just not given enough work to keep me busy that’s why I still have time to think of these inexplicable questions…hehehe…probably.
I can be contradicting myself because...now...I’m thinking, if you enjoy your work so much, you can’t possibly be thinking of such questions...you won’t even entertain them in your chain of thought. But I did say I like my work.
Now I’m baffled more than ever. I should just stop. Right here. Stop.
Okay, wait. I thought of something...
I think we should just enjoy every moment...all of the experiences life brings...be it good or bad...exciting or boring. It molds our character. Everything that we do we should learn from them. Make things happen. Think out of the box. Create. Influence. Dream. Aspire to be that someone. Never stop. Life is not always happy. If you trip, standup! We are unique individuals with character…breakfree from the stereotypes…not life. Let’s bring life to the pool!
Love is Pain
Damn outrage! ...outrage that is out of control. Control your anger! ...anger that is unreasonable. Unreasonable to the person you love. Love that should be forgiving...understand!
Understand that I am not perfect but flawed. Flawed person that I am but who is struggling. Struggling to be the best that I can be for you. You that I love...love that is in pain.
Pain be gentle. Gentle as my heart. Heart-felt apologies please do accept. Accept that I am truly sorry and that I love you. You who I love...because...
...to love you and to be loved by you is the only thing I will ever want.
The I, You, We Analogy
and you are the negative.
We are magnets.
Opposite poles attract.
I am the hole in the needle.
You are the thread.
With much effort you went through.
We now hem beautifully!
I am the words.
You are the melody.
Together, we make music
and sing in harmony.
I am the tongue
and you are the ears…
sometimes, and vice versa.
Together, we make wonderful conversations
I am the stone.
You are the ground.
Throw the stone up in the air.
It plummets back to the ground.
You are my map…
giving me directions,
taking me places,
helping me when lost.
You are my rainbow
after my storm,
giving color to my life,
brightening up my day.
You are the tree.
Your trunk to lean against,
Your branches of leaves for shelter
And your fruit…Oh, so sweet!
You are my inspiration
giving me hope
accepting the truth,
having faith.
We are the life
that breaths the air…
we are the love
that makes the heart beat.
Wake Me Up!
It’s 2:22pm. It’s sunny outside but cold in here. I slept quite late and I really feel drowsy right now. I put my computer glasses on to hide my half opened eyes. I’m yawning and starting to get teary-eyed. Haaaaaaay…! I can’t do my work. I already had coffee this morning and I don’t want to have another cup. I can go to the pantry and back but my ass is stuck on the chair and I have no energy. It’s too hot for me to go outside. Well, at least it’s not raining, or that will make me even more sluggish. Wake up Anne! Wake up! Wake me up, won’t you pleeeaaaase!? Haaaaaay…! Beeed! Where are yoooou?
This is useless…coffee it is!
Looking Back Forward
But this time, a lot has changed (besides the time).
So young then, you can almost imagine the innocence and immaturity.
Those were the days...but are not gone.
It’s deep within.
Not hiding...
but transforming into this,
and what is to come...